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1. The hard outer surface of bread.
2. A layer of pastry , especially on top of a pie.
3. A hard layer or surface, especially above or around something soft or liquid.

crustcrust Image.

Use 'crust' in a sentence:

  1. This article focuses on radiation present in the earth crust.
  2. Pour the filling over the cooled crust and spread until smooth.
  3. As the water evaporates, a crust of salt is left on the surface of the soil.
  4. An earthquake is a vibration that travels through the earth's crust.
  5. Three-dimensional velocity structures of the crust in West China.
  6. Study on the ecology of algae in surface crust of desert.
  7. Practice of crust deformation monitoring using GPS Technique.
  8. If you boil salt water in a small saucepan until the water has all passed away as steam, the salt that was dissolved in it will all be left behind as a white crust on the bottom of the saucepan.
  9. Discussion on some problems of continual observation technique of crust deformation.
  10. Individual specimens of Allende are covered with a black, glassy crust that formed when their exteriors melted as they were slowed by Earth's atmosphere.
  11. The idea overturns previous theories that colliding asteroids2 and comets were a purely3 destructive process with the lunar crust being created by magmas rising from the interior.
  12. Transient heat transfer model of kiln wall and kiln crust thickness optimization.
  13. Review on Analytical Techniques in Chemical Component Analysis of Rich cobalt Manganese Crust.
  14. Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earth's crust.
  15. It is a bitter crust, alas!
  16. Earth's crust contains very little of this element, but most asteroids contain a lot more.
  17. Other mountains may be raised by earthquakes, which fracture the Earth's crust and can displace enough rock to produce block mountains.
  18. In his early days, he would do almost anything to earn a crust from the sport.
  19. A few hundred degrees separates this pool of fiery orange magma in Italy's Mount Etna from its hardened, gray crust.
  20. The Study on the Characteristics of Cobalt Crust and Substrate Rock for Simulation.
  21. Remove the dish from the oven, crack the salt crust and you will find the skin just peels off the fish.
  22. The exhausted man and the trustful guy thrust a knife into the rusty crust.
  23. None of these volcanoes was formed as a result of collisions between plates of the Martian crust—there is no plate motion on Mars.
  24. The pastry crust was always underdone.
  25. Seismic anisotropy in the crust in northwestern capital area of China.
  26. As we've discussed, Earth's crust is made up of large plates that rest on a mantle of molten rock.
  27. Underneath the Earth's crust, there are a number of shifting slabs or plates that are slowly moving.
  28. Plate movements are the surface expressions of motions in the mantle—the thick shell of rock that lies between Earth's crust and its metallic core.
  29. Study on Crust Structure of Haiyuan Strong Earthquake Region.
  30. In this case, we especially want to know if any of the mantle, the layer beneath the crust, was exposed by the impact.
  31. The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.
  32. Shell Formation and Investigation The Utilization of Hard Crust Foundation.
  33. With it I intend to go around the world, to earn my crust of bread and cup of wine.
  34. Under the atmosphere, scientists think there is a very thin crust of carbon and oxygen.
  35. My starving soul nearly screamed with each voluptuous bite of silky roasted vegetables and chewy crust.
  36. The crust of the bread is burnt.
  37. He moved all the caked and crusted dishes into the kitchen.
  38. Earthquakes leave scars in the Earth's crust.
  39. Repeat these steps until the suture line is free of blood and crusts.
  40. Study on the crust structure in northwestern China by means of Rayleigh wave surface.
  41. The crust on the snow was thick enough for us to walk on it.
  42. She had the crust to ask for a raise.
  43. What they found suggests large portions of the crust were formed at temperatures in excess of 2300 degrees Celsius1, which they say, could have been achieved by the melting of the outer layer.
  44. Earth's continental crust has changed significantly in composition overtime.
  45. Analysis of the Data from Fujian Crust Movement Observation Network.
  46. Much more than the crust, the mantle contains information about a planet's or moon's total composition.
  47. Less dense substances move upwards to form a crust.
  48. Earthquakes leave scars in the earth's crust.
  49. The Key lime pie was bursting with flavour. Good crust, too.
  50. This means that people should avoid crisping their roast potatoes, reject thin—crust pizzas and only partially toast their bread.
  51. The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called plates, which float on a soft plastic layer of rock.
  52. All are slowly moving because the plates float on a denser semi-liquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth's core.
  53. All are slowly moving because the plates float on a denser sem-iliquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth's core.
  54. Bake until the crust is golden.
  55. Messenger will explore the surface of Mercury, its crust, its atmosphere and even its magnetic field.
  56. When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join, to form a seal.
  57. The sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells—shattering and avalanching on the snow crust—such heaps of broken glass to sweep away.
  58. The first prediction model looks along earthquake faults, those cracks in the Earth's crust, to find what are known as seismic gaps.