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1. An illustration that is drawn by hand and published in a book or magazine.
2. A representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines.
3. The creation of artistic drawings.
4. Players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed according to the drawing of lots.

Use 'drawing' in a sentence:

  1. We conclude by drawing attention to the issues around which the debate should focus.
  2. We are not hasty in drawing conclusions.
  3. She was drawing out cash from an ATM.
  4. I like drawing better.
  5. She nodded towards the drawing room. "He's in there."
  6. After drawing the curtains, she lit a candle.
  7. I like drawing. I like drawing trees and birds.
  8. The National Day is coming [ drawing near ].
  9. Though they still talked a lot, Harry felt that their idyll was drawing to an end.
  10. Drawing can improve your handwriting.
  11. She had lessons in drawing from life.
  12. Claire had seen the taxi drawing away.
  13. She exercises herself in drawing every day.
  14. Winter is drawing near.
  15. The fee his lawyer charged for drawing up the deed was enough in all conscience.
  16. Drawing monsters is not easy!
  17. I like drawing animals.
  18. This is a great drawing by one of the 19th century's finest draughtsmen.
  19. Drawing and singing were among her many accomplishments.
  20. The game is currently drawing huge crowds.
  21. The exams are drawing near.
  22. What are you drawing?
  23. Roll the wine around in your mouth, drawing in air at the same time.
  24. I'm drawing a picture.
  25. We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.
  26. He did/made a drawing of the old farmhouse.
  27. He paused, drawing a deep breath.
  28. I'm drawing that cat.
  29. Christmas is drawing near.
  30. She looked up for a minute and then continued drawing.
  31. She did a drawing of me.
  32. The National Day is drawing closer.
  33. Now we also want some drawing pens, ink and rulers, and some drawing paper.
  34. It'seems that he is drawing up something.
  35. I like dancing, singing and drawing.
  36. Analysts warn us away from drawing any conclusions.
  37. The day was drawing near when we should have completed the reservoir.
  38. Her retirement is drawing near.
  39. Winter was drawing nigh.
  40. The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing.
  41. The figures in the distance seemed to be drawing closer.
  42. The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices.
  43. I'm not very good at drawing.
  44. You seem to have a feeling for drawing.
  45. These drawings will form the basis of the exhibition.
  46. His life was drawing to a close.
  47. The children were drawing pictures of their pets.
  48. The meeting was drawing to a close.
  49. The drawing is transferred onto the wood by means of carbon paper.
  50. She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub.
  51. The movie is drawing large audiences.
  52. As the evening was drawing to an end , the firework display took place.
  53. Kate is drawing a classroom.
  54. It's just one of several projects on the drawing board.
  55. Suddenly you got this sense that people were drawing themselves away from each other.
  56. The show is drawing but a meagre audience.