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1. Put on clothes.
2. Clothing in general.
3. A one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice.
4. Clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion.

Use 'dress' in a sentence:

  1. She unhooked her dress.
  2. Our dresses were the same except mine was red.
  3. That's a nice dress.
  4. I like your dress.
  5. He dresses many of Hollywood's most famous young stars.
  6. You look so pretty in that dress!
  7. I saw the dress I wanted in the window.
  8. The bride's dress trailed behind her.
  9. She bought a dress pattern and some material.
  10. My dress was stained.
  11. She was wearing a black dress.
  12. We don't dress for dinner here.
  13. Many of our patients need help with dressing.
  14. This dress comes in black and red.
  15. The dress was belted at the waist.
  16. She was a little coy about how much her dress cost.
  17. He's always lecturing me about the way I dress.
  18. That dress was an expensive mistake.
  19. That dress makes you look very feminine.
  20. He wore formal evening dress.
  21. You should dress for cold weather today.
  22. That dress isn't decent.
  23. Her style of dress was never conservative.
  24. Everyone was in evening dress.
  25. She was wearing a dark blue dress.
  26. This dress makes me look fat.
  27. That dress is too small for you.
  28. For lunch, dress is informal.
  29. The bride's dress was a work of art.
  30. Her dress was a violent pink.
  31. You need to allow three metres of fabric for the dress.
  32. I tried the dress on but it didn't fit.
  33. I'll dress how I like in my own house!
  34. She's wearing a dress like mine.
  35. She was wearing her new dress, the red one.
  36. That dress of hers is too short.
  37. Where did you buy that dress?
  38. I'll need to iron that dress before I can wear it.
  39. That dress must have cost a bomb!
  40. Don't get your dress dirty!
  41. I can't go to the door ─ I'm not dressed yet.
  42. Get up and get dressed!
  43. Get dressed now, there's a good girl.
  44. She dressed the children in their best clothes.
  45. You could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed.
  46. Do they expect us to dress for dinner?
  47. She wore a sleeveless silk dress.
  48. Her dress caught on a nail.
  49. I'm going to be fitted for my wedding dress today.
  50. Her dress had split along the seam.
  51. However much you try to dress it up, office work is not glamorous.
  52. Let me show you my new dress.
  53. Her dress is almost identical to mine.