Home » words » farming example sentences



1. Agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life.
2. The business of managing or working on a farm.
3. The practice of cultivating the land or raising stock.

Use 'farming' in a sentence:

  1. The policy has not spared the farming community from severe financial pressure.
  2. They cleared large tracts of forest for farming, logging and ranching.
  3. Yorkshire is still very much a farming community with good meat, good dairy produce and eggs.
  4. The government most assuredly does believe in organic farming.
  5. Farming is partly subsidised by the government.
  6. Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of farming.
  7. Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.
  8. The land was not suitable for farming.
  9. At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.
  10. The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming.
  11. The new law does not refer to land used for farming.
  12. Traditionally reared animals grow more slowly than those reared under intensive farming conditions.
  13. He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming.
  14. Intensive farming in the area has caused severe degeneration of the land.
  15. The poorness of the land makes farming impossible.
  16. The results prove that regulation of the salmon farming industry is inadequate.
  17. He is engaged in truck farming.
  18. He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming.
  19. After John found farming unprofitable, he moved to town and turned his hand to carpentry.
  20. You don't know the first thing about farming.
  21. After farming for ten years, he sold up and went to Quebec.
  22. Low Till Farming limits the use of plows.
  23. A serious car accident in 1986 ruled out a permanent future for him in farming.
  24. They had decided to retire from farming.
  25. He's no amateur in farming.
  26. His father started him off farming.
  27. Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area.
  28. They're always farming out their children on their relatives.
  29. Sometimes, people clear land for farming.
  30. The main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques.
  31. People clear the land for farming.
  32. Organic farming is expanding everywhere.
  33. After farming for ten years, he sold up and went to Canada.
  34. He lives by farming.
  35. My family has been engaged in farming for generations.
  36. The main industry on the outlying islands is farming.
  37. I read your study of farming with interest.
  38. Oyster beds, on the mudflats, are a form of fish farming.
  39. We can take advantage of new technology more quickly by farming out computer operations.
  40. He left a job in the City to take up farming.
  41. There is a lot of concern over the amount of herbicides and pesticides used in farming.
  42. The new technology was applied to farming.
  43. Glick had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming.
  44. Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment.
  45. The basin favours the development of farming and animal husbandry.
  46. He is farming in Africa.
  47. Charles knew next to nothing about farming.
  48. Farming can be very much a hit-and-miss affair.
  49. Grass fires have seared the land near the farming village of Basekhai.
  50. The group can't get credit to buy farming machinery.
  51. The overall picture for farming is encouraging.
  52. Take his views on farming.
  53. Farming originated in these conditions.
  54. The Department of Agriculture commissioned a study into organic farming.
  55. There is discontent within the farming industry.
  56. Elsewhere large areas have been drained and levelled for industry or intensive farming.