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1. Making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances.
2. Trying on clothes to see whether they fit.

Use 'fitting' in a sentence:

  1. You can even choose the background of your virtual fitting room to improve your shopping experience.
  2. Each employee was given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames.
  3. He could never be accused of fitting the mould.
  4. Capable of fitting motor power to cooperate with feed device.
  5. Fitting weather for a funeral I think.
  6. Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.
  7. "Dare to be different, please don't smoke!" pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers—teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in.
  8. At a party, he instructed a Royal Air Force pilot to remove the bulb from a light fitting and place it in a flowerpot, on hearing the word Germany.
  9. Construct by fitting or uniting parts together.
  10. Well fitting shirts.
  11. This book is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the pioneers.
  12. Even the technology press conferences, which have been high-profile in the past and reached a level of drama and theatrics fitting for a Las Vegas stage, have a different bent to them.
  13. The award was a fitting tribute to her years of devoted work.
  14. There is a window fitting in a casing.
  15. He is fitting for the job.
  16. Thereinto, Cr_2O_3 is more fitting for its high electrochemical activity and low average working voltage.
  17. Yes, over here in this fitting room.
  18. A solitary man, it was perhaps fitting that he should have died alone.
  19. Her tight-fitting dress left nothing to the imagination.
  20. Today, the debate continues over how well the grey wolf is fitting in at Yellowstone.
  21. It was, in fine, a fitting end to the story.
  22. I have often seen pilots fitting the tailplane on before the wings.
  23. A fitting end to the meal would be a glass of port.
  24. The fitting room is over there. Follow me, please.
  25. It just ain't fitting for a girl child to ride astraddle with her dress flying up!
  26. He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck.
  27. Try it on. The fitting room is over here.
  28. You are very fitting to be a missionary.
  29. I'm going to a fitting tomorrow.
  30. She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn't need.
  31. Emperor: Very well, begin fitting tomorrow. I want to wear after tomorrow.
  32. Similarly, it's smaller than most of its competitors, thus fitting easily into a pocket or handbag.
  33. The President's address was a fitting end to a bitter campaign.
  34. The slope of this linear fitting equation is 0.432 cm/sheet.
  35. This victory provided a fitting finale to a brilliant season for the club.
  36. Fitting bolt with marine grease and wet fitting bolt with primmer studied in the paper are more effective measures.
  37. A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks.
  38. Online stores offer close-fitting pants designed by lots of fashion elements.
  39. He wore an ill-fitting green corduroy suit.
  40. She was dressed in a white, loose-fitting shirt.
  41. Tight fitting T-shirts are making a comeback.
  42. I don't mind fitting my timetable round yours.
  43. By his international achievements he leaves a fitting monument to his beliefs.
  44. Even then, with the Velcro firmly fastened, there's still a little vestigial dangling fabric like the long pinky on an ill-fitting glove.
  45. This boat has a special instrument fitting round the pole.
  46. It is fitting that the new centre for European studies should be in a university that teaches every European language.