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1. A youthful person.
2. Of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people.
3. Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity.

Use 'juvenile' in a sentence:

  1. The most worrisome problem comes from the fact that about one-third of crime cases were committed by the juvenile and 53% of criminals in jails are youngsters below 25.
  2. On Revised China's Protection Law For Juvenile HOW TO PROTECT THE SOFTWARE SURFACE.
  3. He is an expert in juvenile delinquency.
  4. For a grown man he acted in a very juvenile manner.
  5. The Analysis of Juvenile Problems Caused by the Network and Educational Intervention.
  6. The number of juveniles in the general population has fallen.
  7. Surprisingly, in areas where tidal currents are very weak, juvenile horseshoe crabs are found not to have significant barnacle populations, even though they seldom burrow.
  8. Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence.
  9. An analysis of juvenile athletes' standing shot put physical quality.
  10. The authorities are at their wits' end about juvenile delinquency.
  11. The juvenile stages and neoteny observed by him may also be explained in this way.
  12. To test this hypothesis, researchers raised lobsters in the juvenile fourth and fifth stages of development in a laboratory environment in which the lobsters could manipulate oyster chips.
  13. A year after the program, participants were less likely to have had an encounter with the juvenile justice system.
  14. Although modern reptiles generally do not form fibro-lamellar bone, juvenile crocodiles raised under optimal environmental conditions do.
  15. For more information on juvenile law, talk with an attorney.
  16. As a kid, I thrilled to tales of adventure and Isaac Asimov's juvenile science fiction novel, lucky star and the oceans of Venus.
  17. Clinical significance of serum trace elements in juvenile patients with myopia.
  18. Developmental stage returned from mature: type to juvenile type.
  19. Training juvenile volleyball players is different form training adult players.
  20. Investigation and analysis on simple obesity in children and juvenile.
  21. Like most amphibians these begin life in a juvenile "tadpole" state, then metamorphose into the adult form — except for one species, the axolotl, which famously lives its entire life as a juvenile.
  22. Juvenile rants in the blogosphere replace fruitful human contact.
  23. System of Previous Conviction in China and Theoretical Discussion of Juvenile Protection.
  24. Sometimes when you go young, you wind up with juvenile.
  25. The number of juveniles in the general population has fallen by a fifth in the past 10 years.
  26. In order to withstand tidal currents, juvenile horseshoe crabs frequently burrow in the sand.
  27. Fifteen-year-old Danny is on the run from a juvenile detention centre.
  28. Comparative study on serum testosterone of juvenile athletes in different events.
  29. Ideal social psychological environment as the important guarantee of juvenile athletes' growth.
  30. Magistrates will be able to attach conditions when juveniles are remanded.
  31. Application of Group Social Work to Intervention with Juvenile Internet Addition Disorder.
  32. Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village.
  33. The number of juveniles arrested for violent crimes is increasing.
  34. Don't be so juvenile!
  35. The mother is tolerant of her son's juvenile behaviour.
  36. Deak is an expert in juvenile delinquency.
  37. An Analysis of the Current Chinese Juvenile Soccer Training Management System under Market Economy.
  38. The boy's case was adjudged in the juvenile court.
  39. In contrast, when juvenile lobsters were reared in a smooth tank without the oyster chips, the majority developed two cutter claws.
  40. Okay, wait until I go to juvenile.
  41. Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village, Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunkard.
  42. This bilateral asymmetry begins to appear in the juvenile sixth stage of development.
  43. Partial remains of five mastodons, three Ice Age bison and a juvenile Columbian mammoth, as well as plant matter and insects, have been found.
  44. Is it just a coincidence that juvenile crime is on the rise?
  45. But anyway, the cops down at the precinct charged Chuck with receiving stolen property. And then a juvenile judge, a few days later, charged Tim, age 11, with accessory to receiving a stolen property and then he was placed on three years of probation. With this probation sentence hanging over his head,
  46. With correct guidance and good parenting, I believe juvenile delinquency can be reduced.
  47. With the correct guidance and good parenting, I believe juvenile delinquency can be reduced.
  48. With juveniles under eighteen, there's little we can do. We can't keep them in custody. They just laugh in your face.
  49. This juvenile offender received no more than a judicial slap on the wrist.
  50. Lower birth rates, low juvenile survivorship, and low growth rates follow, so there is a corresponding decline in hare abundance.
  51. The plant fruticose breynia juvenile extract from the stem.
  52. Juvenile crime is increasing at a terrifying rate.
  53. He's a typical male, as he gets older he becomes more juvenile.
  54. She wasn't sent to the juvenile court; instead she was cautioned.