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living room

[ˈlɪvɪŋ rum]

1. A room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax.

Use 'living room' in a sentence:

  1. You have to learn not to cut your toenails in the living room.
  2. She picked up the coffee pot, then plopped it down and went into the living room.
  3. The living room is decorated in pale colours that make it all the more airy.
  4. The houses in Tabasco have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom.
  5. He raced through the living room, only to find the front door closed.
  6. I vacuumed and dusted and polished the living room.
  7. The living room was full of shouts and laughter.
  8. Dr. Susan Greenfield predicts that when you enter the living room, sensors will know you.
  9. The living room is pockmarked with bullet holes.
  10. The living room becomes brighter as the sunlight comes in through the windows.
  11. The elephant in your living room is your Internet-connected security camera, a device people are increasingly using for peace of mind in their homes.
  12. He was sitting there in the living room with his legs crossed.
  13. We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.
  14. Saying excuse me, Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room.
  15. There is an old piano in the corner of the living room.
  16. The song's so catchy it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet.
  17. Linda lay face down on a living room couch, nibbling popcorn.
  18. Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room to drink some tea or coffee.
  19. She ushered her callers into a cluttered living room.
  20. She could hear the girls arguing in the living room.
  21. He raced into the living room with his package, excitedly pulling at the wrappings.
  22. I'd like the use of your living room, if I may.
  23. Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.
  24. The living room was large enough for their piano.
  25. This is our kitchen, living room, and dining room all rolled into one.
  26. She would artfully position herself in a beam of October sunlight in our living room.
  27. Not bad, but it may take up too much space of our living room.
  28. The bathroom is above the living room.
  29. Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor.
  30. In the living room below, my parents were playing Scrabble.
  31. Saying excuse me, pardon me, Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room.
  32. The living room is furnished simply with white wicker furniture and blue-and-white fabrics.
  33. I vacuumed and dusted the living room.
  34. I took the phone, and she went discreetly into the living room.
  35. Three days ago, the light in our living room suddenly went out.
  36. Bookshelves occupied most of the living room walls.
  37. Her living room is ornamented/ decorated with flowers.
  38. I love the living room, with its dark woodwork, oriental rugs, and chunky furniture.
  39. The song's so catchy it makes you bounce around the living room or tap your feet.
  40. We need new carpeting in the living room.
  41. The living room was tinged yellow by light filtered through the curtains.
  42. He was flipping through a magazine in the living room.
  43. She has a large and pleasant living room.
  44. The fire ripped through the living room.
  45. Max zips back and forth across the living room.
  46. In this living room we've mixed glorious floral prints.
  47. The living room is tiny.
  48. Tidy the living room.
  49. Her living room is also her office, filled with desks, books, papers, a testimony to her dedication to her work.
  50. You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room.