Definition: 1. A situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument. 2. A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. 3. A violent situation or period of fighting between two countries.
Use 'conflict' in a sentence:
1. There's always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.
2. The conflict between the two countries finally caused a war.
3. There are conflicting reports about the identity of the hostage.
4. You'll see how they resolve the conflict by merging and delivering.
5. It all depends on the type of conflict and how you want it resolved.
6. He held firm opinions which usually conflicted with my own.
7. There is a conflict between what they are doing and what you want.
8. The question is whether those goals now conflict.
9. To experience conflict with a therapist and learn to resolve it is often the path out of depression.
10. For each mapping, set the conflict detection and resolution.
11. Many of these ideas appear to be in conflict with each other.
12. John often comes into conflict with his boss.
13. This conflict is like a conflict between two sons in a family.
14. So now you have a conflict, what options do you have?
15. There is no conflict of fundamental interests among the third world countries.
16. The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts.