Definition: 1. The testing of an idea. 2. A new activity, idea or method that you try out to see what happens or what effect it has. 3. The act of conducting a controlled test or investigation. 4. To do a scientific experiment or experiments. 5. To try or test new ideas, methods.
Use 'experiment' in a sentence:
1. The goal of the experiment was to familiarize the people with the new laws.
2. The experiment went horribly wrong.
3. We decided the question by experiment.
4. The law covers four categories of experiments.
5. The temperature remained constant while pressure was a variable in the experiment.
6. The scientists have experimented on the tiny neck arteries of rats.
7. He was compelled by illness to suspend his experiment.
8. The results of the experiment confirmed our predictions.
9. I experimented until I got the recipe just right.
10. Many of these early visitors were sympathetic to the Chinese socialist experiment.
11. We will never stop until the experiment succeeds.
12. Why did he do that experiment once again?
13. Speed was a variable in the experiment.
14. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.
15. The experiments serve no useful purpose.
16. This experiment was harmless to the animals.
17. I am going to try and experiment.
18. Do you think the experiment will work?
19. She needs plenty of room for experiment in her life.
20. He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.
21. As an experiment, we bought Ted a watch.
22. I've never cooked this before so it's an experiment.
23. Finally he succeeded in his experiment.
24. Matthews did another experiment.
25. The space agency says a problem has developed with an experiment aboard the space shuttle.
26. The experiments were carried out under simulated examination conditions.
27. This is a new experiment in education.
28. That's just one example of the kind of experiments you can do.
29. The results of the experiment are not statistically significant.
30. He re-ran the experiment every which way he could.
31. Some people feel that experimenting on animals is wrong.
32. He expected that the experiment would be a success.
33. The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended.
34. It has been done by a scientific experiment.
35. Only in this way can the experiment succeed.
36. His experiment negatived the theory.
37. Many people do not like the idea of experiments on animals.
38. The teacher provided some different materials and left the children to experiment.
39. We'll try the experiment.
40. The experiment cannot be satisfactory because he has to use the random selection of specimens.
41. We need male subjects between the ages of 18 and 25 for the experiment.
42. What sets Rice apart from most engineers is his constant desire to innovate and experiment.
43. He wanted to experiment more with different textures in his paintings.
44. Is he any good at gardening? We might experiment with him.
45. The scientists have already experimented at each other's test sites.
46. These experiments serve no useful purpose.
47. The scientist Asch carried out an experiment.
48. The kids in my class are doing an experiment.
49. Despite the crudity of their methods and equipment, the experiment was a considerable success.
50. I enjoyed experimenting with colours — it took me back to being five years old.
51. His whole mind was trying out the experiment.
52. This question can be answered only by experiment.
53. He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could replicate the experiment.
54. The experiments produced equivocal results.
55. Here comes Matthews' second experiment.
56. This experiment needs a more sensitive thermometer.
57. I decided to conduct an experiment.
58. The true cost of these experiments to the environment will not be known for years to come.