Definition: 1. A person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions. 2. Someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action. 3. Take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance. 4. Break with established customs. 5. Used by northerners of Confederate soldiers. 6. Participating in organized resistance to a constituted government.
Use 'rebel' in a sentence:
1. Now the rebel army has regrouped and reorganized.
2. The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters.
3. When war broke out, they aligned themselves with the rebel forces.
4. The rebels waited until nightfall before they made their move.
5. The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the President.
6. Rebel artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport.
7. Most teenagers find something to rebel against.
8. I've always been the rebel of the family.
9. The rebels finally managed to oust the government from power.
10. Troops were called in to subdue the rebels.
11. The rebel leader was a fugitive from justice.
12. Aerial bombing of rebel positions is continuing.
13. The army attacked at night to surprise the rebels.
14. The rebel forces simply bypassed the town on their way further south.
15. Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital.
16. Rebel troops were being rearmed.
17. There were several simultaneous attacks by the rebels.
18. A rebel faction has split away from the main group.
19. Will you rebel against the king?
20. He was taken prisoner by rebel soldiers.
21. He earned the appellation "rebel priest."
22. I was instantly branded as a rebel.
23. Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel.
24. She rebelled against the regimentation of school life.
25. I really wanted to rebel against my parents and just follow my will, but I thought to myself maybe they're right that I haven't really known what I was wanting.
26. The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed.
27. The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.
28. The main electricity supply had been sabotaged by the rebels.
29. Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police.
30. Rebel forces were infiltrated into the country.
31. Just as they were leaving the rebels started shelling.
32. The rebel soldiers were forced to surrender.
33. He later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing.
34. Rebel forces hold sway over much of the island.
35. Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling.
36. In the nature of things, young people often rebel against their parents.
37. The area is still being pounded by rebel guns.
38. Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels.
39. Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms.
40. She had been a rebel at school.
41. Early reports suggest the hand of rebel forces in the bombings.
42. They are in twice daily radio contact with the rebel leader.
43. The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.
44. The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians.
45. The spokesman confirmed that the area was now in rebel hands.
46. Armed rebels advanced towards the capital.
47. He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system.
48. The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 2001.
49. They were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels.
50. Rebel forces have assumed control of the capital.