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1. Skillful (or showing skill) in adapting means to ends.
2. Showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others.
3. Mentally quick and resourceful.
4. Showing inventiveness and skill.

Use 'clever' in a sentence:

  1. Monkeys are very clever.
  2. Clever lighting creates an impression of space in a room.
  3. Lions are very clever.
  4. You really are quite a clever little thing.
  5. It had been such a neat, clever plan.
  6. Northbridge is a cool, calculating, and clever criminal who could strike again.
  7. This just goes to show that getting good grades in school doesn't mean you're clever.
  8. He came up with what seemed like a clever wheeze.
  9. My sister was always a lot cleverer than I was.
  10. She's clever at getting what she wants.
  11. Politicians are often very clever at fudging the issue.
  12. Because he was clever.
  13. You are really clever.
  14. Poor old Henry, and not half as clever as he'd thought.
  15. Mark was a clever pupil.
  16. Aren't I clever?
  17. To summarise, this is a clever approach to a common problem.
  18. The clever raccoon comes.
  19. I wasn't that clever.
  20. I forgot all about the ring. Which just goes to show that getting good grades in school doesn't mean you're clever.
  21. O, how clever I am!
  22. 'You are clever,' she gushed.
  23. Her mother was clever at many things.
  24. This child is quite clever.
  25. She's none too clever.
  26. The Cunard shipping line came up with a clever slogan: "Getting there is half the fun."
  27. This figure is reached by a fiendishly clever equation.
  28. He has been extraordinarily fortunate or clever, whichever is the right word.
  29. Odysseus was always "clever Odysseus".
  30. Clever tailoring can flatter your figure.
  31. Clever advertising would seduce more people into smoking.
  32. Don't you get clever with me!
  33. It's Jim who's the clever one.
  34. What a clever idea!
  35. Arnie is clever enough, but he's also an egomaniac.
  36. Clever girl!
  37. He's clever with his hands.
  38. Clever, huh?
  39. A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause.
  40. Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot.
  41. Clever exploitation of the latest technology would be a sure formula for success.
  42. Nobody disputed that Davey was clever.
  43. Today's clever financial instruments make it possible for firms to hedge their risks.
  44. She is very clever at getting men to do her bidding!
  45. She wasn't swayed by his good looks or his clever talk.
  46. He thinks it's clever to make fun of people.
  47. The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper class life.
  48. He's a very clever man.
  49. There is some clever direction and the film is very well shot.
  50. This goldfish is very clever.
  51. A colleague of mine in Milan devised the following very clever little experiment.
  52. He was clever, well-read and interested in the arts.