1. The season when the leaves fall from the trees.
Use 'autumn' in a sentence:
- 1. In the autumn of 1940 London was blitzed by an average of two hundred aircraft a night.
- 2. Following statewide redistricting last autumn, black representation in both the House and Senate doubled.
- 3. The Government will try to spin out the conference into next autumn.
- 4. The trees were ablaze with the colours of autumn.
- 5. He was elected judge in the autumn of 1991.
- 6. Maple leaves become red in autumn.
- 7. As the leaves of autumn wither and fall, so has my own life become barren.
- 8. Marks& Spencer will be unveiling its latest fashions for autumn and winter.
- 9. Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn.
- 10. Gently flow the autumn streams.
- 11. The designer will be unveiling her latest fashions for autumn and winter.
- 12. The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn.
- 13. This could be the feel-good movie of the autumn.
- 14. It's been a very mild autumn this year.
- 15. The woods were aflame with autumn colours.
- 16. The court case got under way last autumn.
- 17. The critics rhapsodized over her performance in "Autumn Sonata."
- 18. Autumn comes before winter.
- 19. The leaves fell in autumn.
- 20. Autumn is golden yellow.
- 21. We are always plagued by wasps in autumn.
- 22. The possibility of another stalking horse challenge this autumn cannot be ruled out.
- 23. We plan to release a prototype this autumn for trial in hospitals.
- 24. He visited me twice that autumn and called me on the telephone often.
- 25. Nature is very colourful in autumn.
- 26. House prices could perk up during the autumn.
- 27. Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection.
- 28. He published his autobiography last autumn.
- 29. A tree, gloriously lit by autumn, pressed against the windowpane.
- 30. As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed.
- 31. The countryside glowed with autumn colours.
- 32. This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project.
- 33. Maple leaves turn red in autumn.
- 34. Right now we are in the changeover period between autumn and winter.
- 35. Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn.
- 36. See our selection of autumn favourites and take your pick.
- 37. In autumn 1944 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.
- 38. The critics rhapsodized over her performance in 'Autumn Sonata'
- 39. Autumn has arrived here.
- 40. Two thousand grey seal pups are born there every autumn.
- 41. Every autumn I go to the county fair.
- 42. Leaves change colour in autumn.
- 43. I love the reds and golds of autumn.
- 44. This autumn's collections are a very mixed bag.
- 45. Autumn's my favourite season.
- 46. Autumn is my favourite season.
- 47. For law students, autumn brings the recruiting season.
- 48. The autumn begins about August.
- 49. Autumn starts with August.
- 50. Autumn has come quietly!