Definition: 1. To put down by force or authority. 2. Come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority. 3. Control and refrain from showing; of emotions. 4. Keep under control; keep in check.
Use 'suppress' in a sentence:
1. Liz thought of Barry and suppressed a smile.
2. When we try to suppress our negativity, bad things happen.
3. The government sent Zhu Jun to suppress the insurgents.
4. No drug could suppress his cough.
5. A pro-democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.
6. Development of a New Type of Barrier to Suppress Weak Explosions.
7. Hemingway suppresses emtion, Wolfe engulfs the reader in feeling.
8. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.
9. The thought of a white bear rebounds after you try to suppress it.
10. Again I suppress the desire to hug her.
11. Analysis and Research on Suppressing the Noise in Holographic Storage System.
12. Lactation is suppressed by administration of androgens.
13. You can never suppress fear, nor ignore fear, nor cure fear.
14. He was prepared to suppress rebellion by shooting down protesters.
15. Darkness is the energy that wants to suppress and control.
16. DB2 recognises this pattern and will suppress the warning.
17. Society progresses to the extent that reason can suppress the passions.
18. He continued to suppress the people and serve the imperialists.
19. They suppress the ingenuity of our people and businesses.
20. And what evidence could she suppress?
21. The ordered suppressed castes of centuries wither here.
22. The United States' act of abusing national security to suppress Chinese enterprises is inconsistent with market rules and goes against the logic from other countries, including the United States, said the spokesperson, adding that it will seriously weaken the confidence of all parties in the US capital market.
23. Indeed, the war effort against Britain tended to suppress class conflicts.
24. Smuggling must be suppressed.
25. The rebellion was brutally suppressed.
26. The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.
27. Lawyers said today's ruling would lead to higher prices and would suppress innovation of new products.
28. But he must suppress his feelings beneath his calm surface.
29. I couldn't suppress a soft chuckle at the thought of it.
30. The green tea did not appear to suppress appetite.
31. The new government quickly suppressed the rebellion.
32. Blue, on the other hand, serves to suppress your appetite.
33. This will suppress almost all diagnostics produced by the script.
34. Suppress the emotions.
35. High-tech machines and tools are used to wage wars or suppress discontent citizens.
36. When advertisers try to sell me ways to "turn back the clock", I have to suppress a laugh.
37. A common person would not suppress his real name.
38. Better options to suppress page code.
39. Each nation suppressed news that was not favorable to it.
40. So I spend the day trying to suppress my "me first" instincts.
41. It is probable that the medication will suppress the symptom without treating the condition.
42. It seems that men with traditional views of masculinity are more likely to suppress outward emotions and to fear emotions, supposedly because such feelings may lead to a loss of composure.
43. 'The Government is suppressing inflation by devastating the economy,' he said.
44. A suppressed immune system puts a transplant recipient at risk of other infections.
45. The police were accused of suppressing vital evidence.
46. At no time did they try to persuade me to suppress the information.
47. Patsy had to clench her jaw to suppress her anger.
48. She was unable to suppress her anger.
49. He can't help a suppressed giggle.
50. The Professor said that deep sleep allowed suppressed anxieties to surface.
51. The wrong criminal is in the dock either because a genuine mistake has been made or because evidence has been suppressed.
52. It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.