1. A small lake.
Use 'pond' in a sentence:
- 1. There wasn't a pond.
- 2. The little pond ran dry.
- 3. The pond is about five metres deep.
- 4. Ducks land on the pond.
- 5. The pond is quite small but can support many aquatic plants and fish.
- 6. He swam down and retrieved his glasses from the muck and slime at the bottom of the pond.
- 7. The water in the pond was stagnating.
- 8. There was an unappealing film of slime on top of the pond.
- 9. There was a deep pond behind the house.
- 10. There are two fish ponds in his garden.
- 11. Fish swim in the pond.
- 12. Tom walked around the pond.
- 13. He called his pond the Free Life Pond.
- 14. There is a big drama at school when one of the teachers fell in the pond.
- 15. They come to a pond.
- 16. There wasn't a pond before!
- 17. We once walked across the frozen pond at two in the morning.
- 18. The pond grows fish.
- 19. The cattle had trodden a path to the pond.
- 20. Where is the fish pond?
- 21. There was a pond here three years ago.
- 22. Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.
- 23. You walk into the pond.
- 24. The boys were skipping stones across the pond.
- 25. We rowed around the pond.
- 26. The birds flew around and then resettled on the pond.
- 27. His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed.
- 28. The pond measures about 2 metres across.
- 29. There's a pond near the windmill.
- 30. In South Africa, Jani was a big fish in a small pond.
- 31. Who swims on the pond?
- 32. The plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked.
- 33. Finally, the pond area.
- 34. Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common.
- 35. I fished in the pond.
- 36. After a time they came to a pond.
- 37. They swim in the pond together.
- 38. The evening breeze ruffled the pond.
- 39. Soon it will become a pond.
- 40. Shrimp are raised in long uniform ponds, frozen in the nearby packing plant and shipped north.
- 41. The pond was choked with rotten leaves.
- 42. Green frog jumps in the pond.
- 43. Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond.
- 44. She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.
- 45. The pond was well stocked with fish.
- 46. Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond.
- 47. The pond was full of mud and green slime.
- 48. The wind made little waves on the pond.
- 49. The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond's surface.
- 50. Water in the pond gradually diminished due to lack of rainfall.
- 51. Bud turned the truck around, and started back for Dalton Pond.