1. A friend.
2. A person you share an activity or accommodation with.
Use 'mate' in a sentence:
- It wants to mate but it's also afraid and wants to run away.
- Evolutionarily speaking, people in this age group are at a stage in which they can prepare to find a mate and start their own family while separating from parents and striking out on their own.
- Gene flow, the movement of alleles across the range of the species, is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location.
- Their work shows for the first time that a low masculine voice is important for both mate choice and the accuracy of women's memory.
- Kathy is a great mate, we are like sisters.
- Everyone should tell your desk mate at least three jokes.
- Come on mate, things aren't that bad.
- He worked as a bricklayer's mate.
- He's out boozing with his mates.
- Owens and Olson hypothesize that the presence of carotenoids, as signaled by coloration, would be meaningful in the context of mate selection if carotenoids were either rare or required for health.
- He's off drinking with his mates.
- 'How are you, mate?' — 'Not bad, mate, how's yourself?'
- If you're a busy person, looking to meet several potential mates at the same event, speed dating could be for you.
- If we take our example from a minute ago, if the bird is afraid of its mate, it's conflicted.
- Nibs and John were first and second mate.
- They were persuaded onstage for a laugh by their mates.
- You will learn to talk about problems and be more patient with people you don't agree with—a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.
- Many kinds of insect find their mates by scent.
- If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well.
- They all knew it and felt it and the robin and his mate knew they knew it.
- This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box.
- The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.
- We played pool together and were good mates.
- He's been foragin' for his mate.
- Walking upright permitted the father to use his hands to gather food and carry it to his mate from a distance.
- All right, mate?
- I was with a mate.
- For them, they come together to mate, and then they go their separate ways.
- My mate dived headfirst through a window and I ran down the hallway.
- Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.
- Well, hard luck, mate.
- In the past, choice of soul mate was limited by geography, social convention and family tradition.
- At first I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a wind-up by one of my mates.
- You want to look where you're going, mate.
- The bird senses that it can eat, rest and mate later.
- I knowed the robin was mate-huntin' when I seed him last.
- The males guard their mates zealously.
- A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.
- In addition, perhaps left and right-handed snails cannot mate with each other, having incompatible twist directions.
- Do foxes ever mate with dogs?
- Gene flow is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location.
- Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders.
- When it rains, the adults emerge and congregate to mate at temporary ponds.
- This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen from staying in the nest.
- Sorry mate, you'll have to wait.
- He has found his ideal mate.
- They want the males to mate with wild females.
- These divine beings descend to earth and mate with female humans.
- A male bird sings to attract a mate.
- It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate.
- Hamilton, noting that the eggs develop within their host—the larva of another insect—and that the newly emerged adult wasps mate immediately and disperse, offered a remarkably cogent analysis.
- The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate.
- They've been best mates since school.
- Last Saturday, I was out on the town with my mate.