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1. Make reference to.
2. A remark that calls attention to something or someone.
3. A short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage.
4. An official recognition of merit.

Use 'mention' in a sentence:

  1. I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I had never connected them before.
  2. You neglected to mention the name of your previous employer.
  3. I must mention Tom Salisbury.
  4. Don't mention the matter.
  5. She did not mention her mother's absence.
  6. This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison.
  7. Richard deserves (a) special mention for all the help he gave us.
  8. The concert didn't even get a mention in the newspapers.
  9. The statement made no mention of government casualties.
  10. He failed to mention that he was the one who started the fight.
  11. Come to think of it, he did mention seeing you.
  12. And nothing, there is no mention of it.
  13. His name was always mentioned in almost reverential tones.
  14. Nobody mentioned anything to me about it.
  15. Before, you mention nationalism and…Ah, right, yes.
  16. She conveniently forgot to mention that her husband would be at the party, too.
  17. His immediate superior has singled him out for a special mention.
  18. We cannot fail to mention certain historical facts.
  19. Mention the cute thing the dog did.
  20. I mention it only as an aside.
  21. By tacit agreement, the subject was never mentioned again.
  22. He only mentioned it in passing and didn't give any details.
  23. Mention sex therapy and most people will titter in embarrassment.
  24. Did he mention her?
  25. As she came within earshot of the group, she heard her name mentioned.
  26. You mentioned in your letter that you might be moving abroad.
  27. He made no mention of primary colors.
  28. His name has been mentioned as a future MP.
  29. Sorry, I won't mention it again.
  30. He made no mention of her work.
  31. The mere mention of the words "heart failure" can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.
  32. He mentioned en passant that he was going away.
  33. He looked distinctly uncomfortable when the subject was mentioned.
  34. I would prefer that you did not mention my name.
  35. "Thank you very much."—"Don't mention it."
  36. The advantages of this system are too numerous to mention.
  37. Some cautions must be mentioned ─ for example good tools are essential to do the job well.
  38. Did she mention where she was going?
  39. He flies into a rage if you even mention the subject.
  40. She flies into a passion if anyone even mentions his name.
  41. The mere mention of food had triggered off hunger pangs.
  42. He did not mention the quarrel with his wife.
  43. He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France.
  44. The incident didn't even rate a mention in the press.
  45. One player in particular deserves a mention.
  46. You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife.
  47. Richard deserves special mention for all the help he gave us.
  48. Now that you mention it, she did seem to be in a strange mood.