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1. A board for putting notices on.

noticeboardnoticeboard Image.

Use 'noticeboard' in a sentence:

  1. The Times of the church services were on the noticeboard.
  2. The finals results have gone up on the noticeboard.
  3. As we walk through the school dining hall, she unhooks a pink file hanging from a noticeboard. "Here," she says firmly, as if presenting the Holy Grail, "is the rulebook."
  4. Look at the noticeboard. There are two reading rooms.
  5. A Notebook allows you to pose a question to Learners and have them respond in Private, while a Noticeboard only allows you to provide content to Learners.
  6. PETER : On the cafe noticeboard I should think.
  7. She tore the notice from the noticeboard.
  8. In the coming months Amref plans to issue farmers with mobiles, with a noticeboard and a calculator, and take them on a visit to a town market.
  9. The information of former mainly comes from relevant website and students'messages on school noticeboard.
  10. Just in case you wanted to pin something on your noticeboard.
  11. When workers start being moved back into separate booths, and the office slide is replaced with a noticeboard bearing a list of staff instructions, you will know that the counter-revolution is well under way.
  12. The list of elector is put up on the noticeboard in the local office.
  13. Company announcements are usually posted on the noticeboard.
  14. Lin's eyes moved down the noticeboard that listed all the courses on offer.
  15. The times of the church services were on the noticeboard.
  16. On the noticeboard there was a list of forthcoming events at school.
  17. Staff can use the noticeboard to flag up any concerns.
  18. The information of former mainly comes from relevant website and students'on school noticeboard.
  19. After that, they'll look at our English Club noticeboard in the library at four.
  20. You can put up the notice on the noticeboard.
  21. In a lane near a cluster of factories in Foshan last month, two 20-something women were reading flyers on a noticeboard advertising vacancies.
  22. He advertises his services on the company noticeboard.
  23. The list of electors is put up on the noticeboard in the local office.
  24. The secretary took down the notice he had put on the noticeboard.
  25. On the cafe noticeboard I should think.
  26. My tip is to have a big noticeboard in your bedroom, divided into different sections.
  27. If you really need to keep small pieces of paper, use a noticeboard on the wall.
  28. Common places to find advertisements for apartments are online classifieds, the newspaper, or at the noticeboard of your local supermarket.
  29. Our teacher pinned a notice on the noticeboard.
  30. A copy of the letter was posted on the noticeboard.
  31. Have an English corner at home with books, dictionaries, cassettes, and a noticeboard.
  32. Today, I have quotes plastered on the noticeboard in front of my work desk, which I change regularly to whichever quote resonates most with me at the point in time.
  33. Can you stick this on the noticeboard?
  34. She added her name to the list on the noticeboard.
  35. A message had been pinned to the noticeboard.