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1. To the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely.
2. Sufficiently; more than adequately.
3. Referring to a quantity.

Use 'fully' in a sentence:

  1. We create documents for every book we have, and, to fully describe the book's information, we use custom fields as an extension of an ordinary document.
  2. The factory has been fully computerized.
  3. They are a fully bonded and licensed company.
  4. He had still not fully recovered.
  5. The undercarriage was fully retracted.
  6. Straighten both legs until they are fully extended.
  7. The house has been fully redecorated.
  8. The hospital will soon be fully functional.
  9. Now because we haven't fully processed this information,
  10. We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases.
  11. Have customers been fully apprised of the advantages?
  12. I have every confidence that this decision will be fully vindicated.
  13. He lay down on the bed fully clothed.
  14. She was now a fully fledged member of the teaching profession.
  15. We didn't fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.
  16. Let me reiterate that we are fully committed to this policy.
  17. She felt fully justified in asking for her money back.
  18. Hospitals were already fully extended because of the epidemic.
  19. I am still not fully persuaded of the plan's merits.
  20. Parenting is not fully valued by society.
  21. The factory is now fully automated.
  22. His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.
  23. The trial was fully reported in the media.
  24. You need to become fully conversant with the company's procedures.
  25. We can't take on any more work ─ we're fully stretched as it is.
  26. Suddenly he found himself awake and fully alert.
  27. The new airport is now fully operational.
  28. Are you fully covered for fire and theft?
  29. The whole system will be fully operational by December.
  30. They are not fully informed about the changes.
  31. She was fully aware of my thoughts.
  32. We are fully aware of the dangers.
  33. I'm sorry—we're fully booked.
  34. I fully understand your motives.
  35. The station will be fully operative again in January.
  36. She still has a long way to go before she's fully fit.
  37. He's fully occupied looking after three small children.
  38. I expect to be kept fully briefed at all times.
  39. A specialist has now pronounced him fully fit.
  40. She had fully recovered from the accident.
  41. She is now fully recovered from her injuries.
  42. We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.
  43. She develops the theme more fully in her later books.
  44. The doctor reported the patient fully recovered.
  45. A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone.
  46. The disease affects fully 30 per cent of the population.
  47. She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play.
  48. We do not fully understand how the brain is organized.
  49. He is now fully restored to health.