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1. Come into possession of.
2. Receive a specified treatment (abstract).
3. Be valid, applicable, or true.

Use 'obtain' in a sentence:

  1. With the help of the Internet, we can only obtain many learning materials with ease.
  2. To obtain enough financial support.
  3. A special dispensation may be obtained from the domestic union concerned.
  4. In many cases, it would not be overly burdensome for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents.
  5. Financial success is usually predicated on having money or being able to obtain it.
  6. To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column.
  7. Best results are obtained by starting the plants off in a warm greenhouse.
  8. You can obtain safe water by melting ice cubes.
  9. To feed the larger population, humans need to obtain arable lands, so there is a massive clearing of trees.
  10. You can obtain knowledge through practice.
  11. Some of these, such as the glandular mucus of snails, were difficult to obtain and outrageously expensive.
  12. The publisher is responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce illustrations.
  13. He lowballed the cost of the project in order to obtain federal funding.
  14. I have obtained the services of a top photographer to take our pictures.
  15. This information will be amalgamated with information obtained earlier.
  16. Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends.
  17. They are breaking the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.
  18. This time, the winner could obtain triple tributes.
  19. Some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism.
  20. To feed the larger population, humans need to obtain arable land, so there is a massive clearing of trees.
  21. We obtain some satisfaction in listening to music.
  22. Researchers must obtain approval only from their hospitals or clinic's ethics board.
  23. He was accused of obtaining property by deception.
  24. The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain.
  25. Could you tell me what I have to do to obtain a student visa and how long the process will take?
  26. Grade forgiveness enables colleges to obtain more financial support.
  27. He admitted conspiring to obtain property by deception.
  28. He obtained his first job through the milk round.
  29. Unless you were prepared to pay, they were increasingly difficult to obtain for any but the most severely disabled.
  30. I could obtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose.
  31. Offshoring provides an opportunity to obtain I.T. services at low cost.
  32. If you want to obtain an ideal job, you need to continuously upgrade yourself.
  33. You can obtain a copy for$ 2 from New York Central Art Supply.
  34. To obtain her degree, she answered 81 questions over 10 papers.
  35. His method of obtaining a high level of productivity is demanding.
  36. A score of countries may be either producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons.
  37. It is difficult to obtain reliable evidence.
  38. The number of young people obtaining qualifications has remained static or decreased.
  39. Can plants obtain adequate nourishment from such poor soil?
  40. A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons.
  41. She was accused of obtaining money under false pretences.
  42. Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents.
  43. The figures were obtained by extrapolating from past trends.
  44. There was a lot of pressure on you to obtain good grades.
  45. These conditions no longer obtain.
  46. He had sought to obtain payment of a sum which he had claimed was owed to him.
  47. They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market.
  48. She obtained 40% of the vote.
  49. At every stage in the production there will be paperwork—forms to fill in, permissions to obtain, letters to write.
  50. I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.
  51. An American network says it has obtained the recordings.
  52. The majority obtained their positions through the old boy network.
  53. Only with mass direct action will we obtain such change.
  54. You can obtain the product from all good chemists.
  55. They have obtained an injunction restraining the company from selling the product.
  56. Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.
  57. The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits.