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1. A reference work (often in several volumes) containing articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order) dealing with the entire range of human knowledge or with some particular specialty.

Use 'encyclopedia' in a sentence:

  1. The best place to find an encyclopedia is in a library.
  2. "We're not trying to write an encyclopedia," he said.
  3. A simple one, being an author in the World Book Encyclopedia.
  4. They are also considered the database owners of these encyclopedias.
  5. The encyclopedia thudded onto the floor.
  6. He was turning over pages of an encyclopedia.
  7. It resembles a picture in the encyclopedia.
  8. Nancy is a walking encyclopedia of British history.
  9. The police officer sent a young man out to get an encyclopedia.
  10. When planning Encyclopedia Britannica, I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles.
  11. He can read and remember the contents of an encyclopedia volume in a few minutes, and speak a language fluently after reading one textbook.
  12. She is reading the encyclopedia!
  13. A dictionary explains words and an encyclopedia explains facts.
  14. How can you manage evolutionary versions of an Encyclopedia during the lifecycle of your architecture development?
  15. The encyclopedia fell to the floor with a thud.
  16. Here are two-odd volumes of an encyclopedia.
  17. The Specification for Administrative Area Knowledge Acquisition from Electronic Encyclopedia of China.
  18. Open the encyclopedia that interests you.
  19. There are four different encyclopedias in the reference section of our school library.
  20. I have looked it up in the encyclopedia.
  21. I am assuming you haven't loaded the Encyclopedia Britannica into the memory.
  22. Enter a name for the new encyclopedia ( for example, Test).
  23. I would have to go to some encyclopedia or something like that.
  24. An Analysis of the Settlement Data in A New Encyclopedia of Guangdong.
  25. Culture is just like an encyclopedia reflecting the whole society by its special language.
  26. It's like an encyclopedia for social life.
  27. Want to try this encyclopedia?
  28. The young man returned with the encyclopedia.
  29. She has said she plans an encyclopedia on the series.
  30. The Development of Encyclopedia Classification System.
  31. There are Chinese language learning books, encyclopedia, linguistic books and reading materials.
  32. My father is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to current affairs – he reads the papers every day.
  33. They made us read whole pages of the encyclopedia.
  34. Click new to create a new encyclopedia.
  35. Few people think of encyclopedias as creative enterprises; but they are.
  36. However, some encyclopedias can be found on the Web.
  37. It is a new kind of encyclopedia about books.
  38. Proposed items for the volume of carbon materials of China Metallurgical Encyclopedia.
  39. So the police officer sent a young man out to get an encyclopedia.
  40. I bought the encyclopedia on a whim.
  41. She knows everything there is to know about smartphones – in fact she's a walking encyclopedia!
  42. You can't do this with an encyclopedia.
  43. The encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes.
  44. Why don't you look it up in the encyclopedia?
  45. We can refer to an encyclopedia for information about this subject.
  46. An encyclopedia is a very helpful when you study.
  47. The next step is to create a new Encyclopedia.
  48. He got his information out of an encyclopedia.
  49. Workers at the Root Glass Company got the request and began flipping through the encyclopedia at the local library, landing on cocoa seed.
  50. The Encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes.
  51. This is a fine book; a worthy addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series.
  52. You should manage the foundation models in a separate encyclopedia.
  53. No data has been duplicated, and the encyclopedia will work as it always has, except in a read-only mode.
  54. How could such a stupid notion, an encyclopedia written by anyone and everyone, ever work?
  55. The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM.