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1. Wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legs.
2. A fat grey and white bird with short legs. Pigeons are common in cities and also live in woods and fields where people shoot them for sport or food.

pigeonpigeon Image.

Use 'pigeon' in a sentence:

  1. A Preliminary Study on Cultivating Techniques of Indian Improve Pigeon Pea.
  2. I was born pigeon-toed.
  3. Time domain and power spectrum of wide frequency band electrocardiogram in pigeons.
  4. Study on Differential Diagnostic Cards for Common Diseases of Pigeon.
  5. The Pigeon flew away, and in a few minutes, he had reached the clouds.
  6. the sound of pigeons cooing.
  7. Face it, we're out of the pigeon business.
  8. He stood for a long time looking at Picasso's picture. The pigeons in the picture looked quite real.
  9. Text back, "What's next, a carrier pigeon?"
  10. I must search in the drowsy7 shade of the bakula grove, where pigeons coo in their corner, and fairies' anklets tinkle8 in the stillness of starry9 nights.
  11. A pigeon has just flown into my flat.
  12. Other archaeologists have criticized those conclusions on the grounds that passenger pigeon bones would not be likely to be preserved.
  13. Pigeons fluttered in and out, cooing gently.
  14. A large Pigeon flew far above him.
  15. At this answer, the Pigeon flew swiftly down to the earth.
  16. Influence of ambient temperature on heat energy metabolism of pigeon during different ages.
  17. Let us stop a few minutes at that pigeon coop down there.
  18. The homing pigeon is very intelligent and will persevere to the point of stubbornness.
  19. "Kiss it," cried the little girl, and flung the pigeon in Gerda's face.
  20. No longer need to run from one field to another with pigeons.
  21. I just killed a pigeon.
  22. Research on Application of Balancing Particle Food for Hybrid King Pigeon.
  23. A rat or pigeon might not be the obvious choice to tend to someone who is sick, but these creatures have some superior skills that could help the treatment of human diseases.
  24. The new security guard is a burglar& that'll put the cat among the pigeons.
  25. Pigeons are often seen as dirty birds and an urban nuisance, but they are just the latest in a long line of animals that have been found to have abilities to help humans.
  26. Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced.
  27. An old man sat on the park bench and fed the pigeon.
  28. None of those birds compare to L.A. pigeons.
  29. Annihilator police helicopter: Collect all 200 pigeons ( flying rats).
  30. After the robot finishes its tasks, it can follow the pigeon back in the shortest possible time.
  31. Then the pigeons still find their way home.
  32. Oh, dear Pigeon, how I wish I had your wings!
  33. This effectively pigeon-holes readers of this article.
  34. The pigeon homed from a distance of 100 miles.
  35. The boy frightened away the pigeons from the roof.
  36. The pigeon was eating and cooing at the same time.
  37. You are a pigeon, Ivan.
  38. The hawk snatched a pigeon and flew away.
  39. You could train a pigeon to peck for food but that's because pecking for food is a very natural response.
  40. "Tell me," asked the Pigeon, "do you by chance know of a Marionette, Pinocchio by name?"
  41. The pigeon is a beautiful and genteel bird.
  42. How many pigeon eggs do you need?
  43. He meets a Pigeon, who carries him to the seashore.
  44. Said the Pigeon in a sulky tone, as it settled down again into its nest.
  45. The old man kept pigeons as pets.
  46. Affect of Different Feed on Effect of Artificial Feeding of Pigeons.
  47. No pigeon is telling the others what to do.
  48. that is not your pigeon;
  49. It's not my pigeon.
  50. The research center is trying to use a flying robot, together with a homing pigeon, to deliver mails.
  51. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.
  52. He has a carrier pigeon.
  53. He has two carrier pigeons.
  54. Toward evening the Pigeon said: "I'm very thirsty!"
  55. For instance, if a homing pigeon is to navigate with its Sun compass, its clock must be properly set by cues provided by the daylight/darkness cycle.
  56. "You must remember, my boy," answered the Pigeon, "that hunger is the best sauce!"
  57. Then the pigeons flew into thick fog, and the famous homing instinct failed.
  58. The car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside.
  59. Despite having a brain no bigger than the tip of your index finger, pigeons have a very impressive visual memory.