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1. Music of general appeal to teenagers; a bland watered-down version of rock'n'roll with more rhythm and harmony and an emphasis on romantic love.
2. An informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk.
3. A sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring.

Use 'pop' in a sentence:

  1. The magazine has been celebrating pop in all its myriad forms.
  2. A pop group plays pop music.
  3. Nora likes pop music.
  4. She has some cockeyed delusions about becoming a pop star.
  5. He bought me a soda pop.
  6. An idea suddenly popped into his head.
  7. I popped my head round the door once or twice.
  8. I prefer pop music.
  9. My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show.
  10. I know nothing about pop music.
  11. The radio had fed him a diet of pop songs.
  12. This CD is pure bubblegum pop.
  13. I was going to pop up to the local library.
  14. I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes.
  15. Why don't you pop in for a drink next time you're in the area?
  16. He could hear the tinny sound of a radio playing a pop song.
  17. Pop crossed his arms over his chest and watched us.
  18. Pop your bag on here.
  19. She jumped as someone popped a balloon behind her.
  20. As he strode into the kitchen, he passed Pop coming the other way.
  21. The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.
  22. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw them.
  23. I'll make the tea and you pop off for a while.
  24. He sneered at people who liked pop music.
  25. Black dance music has been central to mainstream pop since the early '60s.
  26. Bang and pop are onomatopoeic words.
  27. He rails and cusses at those pop stars.
  28. The balloon went pop.
  29. I was making a million a year, but that's chickenfeed in the pop business.
  30. He hates pop music.
  31. She'll also be playing your favourite pop tunes.
  32. His previous fusions of jazz, pop and African melodies have proved highly successful.
  33. The Beatles were the archetypal pop group.
  34. He popped his head around the door and said hello.
  35. Stuart got serious quickly and popped the question six months later.
  36. Hi, Pop!
  37. When it comes to pop music we not only lead Europe, we lead the world.
  38. Enjoy a pop concert.
  39. Beer and soda pop are served before the bus departs.
  40. The latest competition drew more than 100,000 pop star wannabes to auditions in seven cities.
  41. We can charge$ 50 a pop.
  42. Here's a pop factoid for you.
  43. She's been popping pills for months.
  44. The window opened and a dog's head popped out.
  45. Pop music doesn't have to be trash; it can be art.
  46. American pop music has been exported around the world.
  47. Pop stars are always news.
  48. At school he played bass in a pop group called The Urge.
  49. He plays classical music, as well as pop and jazz.
  50. The music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song.
  51. You solved one problem and another would immediately pop up.
  52. He thinks pop music today is as exciting as it's ever been.