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1. A domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs; believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl.
2. The flesh of a chicken used for food.

Use 'chicken' in a sentence:

  1. If you casserole chicken pieces, take the skin off first.
  2. Luke munched the chicken sandwiches.
  3. I'm scared of the dark. I'm a big chicken.
  4. The priest sacrificed a chicken.
  5. I personally would rather roast a chicken whole.
  6. If the chicken is fairly small, you may simply split it in half.
  7. Lime preserved in salt is a North African speciality which is used to flavour chicken dishes.
  8. His chicken eggs sell for$ 22 a dozen.
  9. Chicken wing is my favorite.
  10. I don't want to count my chickens before they are hatched.
  11. He had chickens and things round the back.
  12. I eat some chicken for dinner.
  13. Why did you choose the chicken?
  14. Fish and chicken are yummy.
  15. Winner, , winner, chicken dinner!
  16. Instead of running round like a headless chicken use your efforts in a more productive way.
  17. They tend to buy cheap processed foods like canned chicken and macaroni.
  18. I love chicken wings so much.
  19. The man is cutting chicken.
  20. She spooned the sauce over the chicken pieces.
  21. She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken.
  22. The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time.
  23. Andrew began to carve the chicken.
  24. They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.
  25. Peter fought his way through a blizzard to save one of the chickens.
  26. He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.
  27. Her husband's memories are of living off roast chicken and drinking whisky.
  28. When the chicken is cooked I'll freeze some.
  29. I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens.
  30. Let's not count our proverbial chickens.
  31. Put the chicken in the oven when the timer goes off.
  32. I was making a million a year, but that's chicken feed in the pop business.
  33. A fiery combination of chicken, chillies and rice.
  34. There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens.
  35. This simple chicken dish costs less than $3 a head.
  36. This simple chicken dish costs less than £ 1 a head.
  37. Dinner features a hot entrée of chicken, veal, or lamb.
  38. It tastes like chicken, only stronger.
  39. Make sure you defrost the chicken completely before cooking.
  40. They keep chickens in the back yard.
  41. The chicken was only half cooked.
  42. It's cold chicken for lunch.
  43. Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.
  44. He went to the party in a giant chicken costume.
  45. Lack of chicken feed means that chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock.
  46. This chicken isn't cooked in the middle.
  47. If I stay in, my boyfriend cooks a wonderful lasagne or chicken or steak.
  48. I'll have the steak and chicken combo platter.