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1. The small hard part produced by a plant, from which a new plant can grow.
2. The beginning of a feeling or a development which continues to grow.
3. Anything that provides inspiration for later work.
4. A mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa.

Use 'seed' in a sentence:

  1. In short, savings are the seed corn of a good economic harvest.
  2. The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4% interest.
  3. He began by scattering seed and putting in plants.
  4. The number two seed is safely through to the second round of the tournament.
  5. On the inside there's a seed with a hard shell.
  6. I can imagine that seed dispersal might be a factor.
  7. The poor germination of your seed could be because the soil was too cold.
  8. A seed only needs one cubic centimeter of soil to grow.
  9. How many seeds can be put in the seed vault?
  10. In other words, the seed vault is the difference between life and death.
  11. The seeds are transported by the wind.
  12. Where did you get the seed?
  13. These vegetables can be grown from seed.
  14. A minimum investment has been made in the body that becomes a platform for seed dispersal.
  15. He considered that there were, in these developments, the seeds of a new moral order.
  16. The seed vault has space for a lot more seeds.
  17. Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E.
  18. Fibers of seed plants such as cotton, flax, and hemp are woven into cloth.
  19. The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction.
  20. He says the economy has gone to seed.
  21. First, the researchers germinated the seeds.
  22. He's been top seed for the past two years.
  23. Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.
  24. Sow the seeds in rows.
  25. The seeds were pounded to a fine powder.
  26. But my dreams lie shattered across the desks of the seed merchants who insist there is no mangel seed to be found.
  27. The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside.
  28. I am negotiating with financiers to raise seed capital for my latest venture.
  29. He planted the first seeds of doubt in my mind.
  30. Add one lime, seeded and sliced.
  31. All the seeded players got through the first round.
  32. There are only two seeded players left in the top half of the draw.
  33. This replenishes the seed content of the desert soil.
  34. During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil.
  35. Black pepper and vanilla are seed plants.
  36. He has been seeded 14th at Wimbledon next week.
  37. Sow the seed in a warm place in February/ March.
  38. Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind.
  39. Scatter the grass seed over the lawn.
  40. Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so.
  41. The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.
  42. India subsequently made a huge commitment to Mexican wheat, importing some 18000 tonnes of seed.
  43. They were paying for machinery, seed, and fertilizer, and they were also buying consumer goods.
  44. Ren Jinxiang is waiting until September to seed rape on her field.
  45. One type of seed-bearing plant, the angiosperm, includes all forms of blooming vegetation.
  46. The top seed won comfortably.
  47. The seeds will sprout in a few days.
  48. Small particles adhere to the seed.
  49. Next week TODAY is celebrating with a great giveaway of FREE garden seeds.
  50. The seeds were not meant for human consumption.
  51. Sow the seeds outdoors in spring.
  52. The plant can be propagated from seed.
  53. Cut a marrow in half and scoop out the seeds.
  54. The budgerigar gave a quick peck at the seed.
  55. His seed shall endure forever and his throne as the sun before me.
  56. You can try growing something from a seed, like a tomato.
  57. These new characteristics offered better ways for the seed to move to new habitats.
  58. That means I'm not a small seed anymore.