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1. A sudden short attack.
2. An attempt by speculators to defraud investors.
3. Search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on.
4. Enter someone else's territory and take spoils.
5. Take over (a company) by buying a controlling interest of its stock.
6. Search for something needed or desired.

Use 'raid' in a sentence:

  1. The two were reportedly killed in an exchange of fire during a police raid.
  2. This photograph by Adnan Hajj, a Lebanese photographer, showed thick black smoke rising above buildings in the Lebanese capital after an Israeli air raid.
  3. It would certainly be within his power to authorize a police raid like that.
  4. But it was a precise raid.
  5. The raid begins.
  6. RAID-Z2 uses two disks for parity.
  7. The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.
  8. They said the raid was the work of one man—one madman, John Brown.
  9. By themselves, the RAID device names tell us nothing about their type.
  10. A 19-year-old man has been found guilty of raiding a bank.
  11. The raids have drawn a strong condemnation from the United Nations Security Council.
  12. Participate in a World of Warcraft raid.
  13. Avoid RAID 5 for data, indexes, and log.
  14. They were arrested early this morning after a raid on a house by thirty armed police.
  15. The success of the raid depended on split-second timing.
  16. Roy: Well, there we are, raid is over.
  17. Every rebel raid is another turn of the screw, increasing the pressure on the President.
  18. The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.
  19. He was told of the raid and decided to take flight immediately.
  20. Never enjoyed an air raid more.
  21. One man was arrested during the raid and another during a follow-up operation.
  22. The president was absolutely right in ordering the bombing raid.
  23. Level Global and Loch saw investors redeem money as soon as possible because of the raid, even though they haven't been charged with any wrongdoing.
  24. They saw a government war plane make a series of low-level bombing raids.
  25. Yay! Our RAID device is up and running.
  26. The man was shot dead by the police during a raid on his house.
  27. The Pentagon says bad weather is hampering the allied air raids.
  28. The chemical composition of rainfall changes slightly as raid clouds move.
  29. She made her way to the kitchen to raid the fridge.
  30. For months at a time, air raids were a nightly occurrence.
  31. At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for after the bombing raids.
  32. Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday's bank raid.
  33. It sounds like an air raid siren.
  34. On the backseat, the thing in the basket began to cry, like the air raid siren announcing the birth of a new life.
  35. Villages along the border are regularly raided.
  36. The government denied that there had been any collateral damage during the bombing raid.
  37. There were 15 minutes between the first air raid alert and the sounding of the all-clear signal.
  38. They carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases.
  39. A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid.
  40. They watched dramatic pictures of the police raid on TV.
  41. The weapon used in the raid was a replica.
  42. Many treasures were lost when the tombs were raided in the last century.
  43. The family was killed in an air raid.
  44. The rebels attempted a surprise raid on a military camp.
  45. They were arrested during a dawn raid.
  46. Three men were arrested after police were tipped off about the raid.
  47. Police raided five houses in south-east London and recovered stolen goods.