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1. A curved band of different colours that appears in the sky when the sun shines through rain.
2. An arc of colored light in the sky caused by refraction of the sun's rays by rain.
3. An illusory hope.

rainbowrainbow Image.

Use 'rainbow' in a sentence:

  1. Together we share fogs, flowing hazes and rainbows.
  2. With rainbows forming in the splashing water around you and the sound of huge drops of water bouncing off your body and face.
  3. The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981.
  4. I see the rainbow!
  5. Alia sells her rainbow rocks to help other people.
  6. In Scandinavian mythology the rainbow was a bridge between the gods and the earth.
  7. If you are lucky, you can see a vivid rainbow across over two peaks.
  8. A woman drove up to the Rainbow Bridge tollbooth.
  9. Across the stream, the rays of the morning sun hit a stone and made it sparkle like a rainbow.
  10. Do you need every color in the rainbow?
  11. In the rainbow one colour melts into another.
  12. Let's paint a rainbow.
  13. The beauty of the rainbow is for you.
  14. Rainbow ceiling, or pink ceiling, refers to business practices and prejudices that create an unseen and unofficial barrier to personal advancement1 for gay employees.
  15. There's a rainbow over there!
  16. I would rather be honest with people than tell them that there is going to be some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
  17. In the Chinese tradition, the rainbow is a common symbol for marriage because the colours represent the union of yin and yang.
  18. together we share brume, flowing mist, rainbow.
  19. Prism effect. A rainbow pattern appears on the refracted light caustics.
  20. I see a rainbow, too.
  21. Oh look, a rainbow!
  22. A rainbow hung high in the sky.
  23. A group of colorful wild animals will spring to mind: a parrot's rainbow feathers or the showy scales of sea fish.
  24. A Study on the Rainbow Option Pricing Model with Transaction Costs.
  25. That is a rainbow in the sky.
  26. A New Method for 3D Diffusion objects True Color Rainbow Holography.
  27. What makes a rainbow?
  28. The goals are at each end of the rainbow, and the keepers only are allowed to use their hands.
  29. It's possible to see bands of several colours in a rainbow.
  30. Construction and Monitoring Technique Research on Shenzhen Rainbow Bridge.
  31. Finally the rainbow disappeared.
  32. I see a rainbow pony.
  33. Oh, what a beautiful rainbow!
  34. At sight of the rainbow, the children were more glad than the parents.
  35. The child wanted to know why the rainbow is in a bow shape.
  36. We believe rainbows will appear after storms.
  37. Soon the rain stopped, the sun came out, and a rainbow appeared spanning the sky.
  38. Many people think that the rainbow is a symbol of good fortune because it connects heaven and earth.
  39. The light that we see with our human eyes as a band of rainbow color falls in the range of what's called visible light.
  40. she always thought I was just chasing rainbows.
  41. The tiny arachnid, found in Australia, shows off a rainbow of colours to impress nearby females.
  42. See the Rainbow and Recording: Another Form of Life.
  43. They thought if the butterflies helped, they could make a beautiful rainbow together.
  44. These sculptures were painted a rainbow of striking colours.
  45. Do you see the rainbow?
  46. Development of the new kind of sewing machine for rainbow metal roof.
  47. A rainbow is hanging on the sky after the rain.
  48. The rainbow is another ancient and universal symbol, often representing the connection between human beings and their gods.
  49. The second rainbow will be bigger than the first, and directly above it.
  50. Arching 275 feet and across 290 feet, Rainbow Bridge in the Utah desert has been a source of inspiration and wonderment for millennia.
  51. The promise of a cure — the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow — often makes sensible people do irrational things.
  52. The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall.
  53. The rainbow formed a beautiful arc in the sky.
  54. A rainbow arced gracefully over the town.
  55. A rainbow arched across the sky.
  56. A bright rainbow arched above.
  57. New Zealand's quarrel with France over the Rainbow Warrior incident was formally ended.