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1. According to reports or other information.

Use 'reportedly' in a sentence:

  1. Tests reportedly showed that the island would be uninhabitable for one hundred years.
  2. An exploding cigar was reportedly one of the plans.
  3. He also reportedly suffers from diabetes and asthma.
  4. It reportedly has been viewed more than five hundred million times.
  5. Mr Puri reportedly handed himself in on Thursday, a day after police said he was wanted for questioning.
  6. She reportedly knew her part. However, she became sick several times and missed work.
  7. Now Moscow has reportedly agreed that the sale can go ahead.
  8. The mine reportedly had an accident rate treble the national average.
  9. The collage was reportedly created by actual Asus designers--CEO Jonney Shih, who said the company encourages its designers to foster any kind of crazy ideas.
  10. She was reportedly his mistress for many years.
  11. Not two or three directors, as some firms reportedly are thinking.
  12. His price, reportedly, was always too high.
  13. Benjamin Franklin reportedly owned one as well, but the device seems to have had limited mass-market appeal.
  14. He is reportedly going to resign tomorrow.
  15. But the talks collapsed two weeks ago reportedly over the distribution of powers.
  16. A different American woman reportedly spoke with the Russian accent in 2010 after she fell down the stairs and hit her head.
  17. In 1994, hijackers of an Air France jet reportedly considered crashing the aircraft into the Eiffel Tower.
  18. But he reportedly added two more conditions.
  19. Thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded.
  20. As many as a third of the victims are reportedly civilians.
  21. A group of current and former cabinet ministers are reportedly under investigation.
  22. Ascena is reportedly planning to shut at least 1200 stores.
  23. He reportedly called her 'a lying little twit'.
  24. General Breymann had been shot dead, reportedly by one of his own men.
  25. It was reportedly given this name when a reporter was interviewing a person at the dance hall who was watching other couples dance.
  26. A different American woman reportedly spoke with the Russian accent in two thousand ten after she fell down the stairs and hit her head.
  27. This new photo reportedly shows galaxies from 13.2 million years ago.
  28. He reportedly started the project without obtaining permits.
  29. At least one person was reportedly killed.
  30. One investor commenting on the Burberry figures was reportedly outraged that the unsold goods were not even offered to investors before they were destroyed.
  31. They reportedly caught up with him in a village near Zrenjanin.
  32. This patient had spent a lot of time in the hospital and reportedly liked it there.
  33. Reportedly, the meeting was at Buffett's request.
  34. Police had reportedly searched his house and found incriminating evidence.
  35. He was reportedly furious.
  36. Reportedly, only one man won the money.
  37. They were also reportedly wearing military uniforms.
  38. In one town thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded.
  39. This week's comic doodle reportedly only shows in the US, unless you call up a special URL.
  40. No Chinese were reportedly injured.
  41. More than two hundred people have reportedly been killed in the past week's fighting.
  42. This is reportedly the first time yields turned negative at a German debt auction.
  43. It is reportedly the second time that he has proposed such a bill within half a year.
  44. Donald Trump1 is reportedly experiencing "cabin fever" after his first month in the White House.
  45. At least 55 people reportedly have been killed.
  46. A fire at a market in Shanghai has reportedly left 6 people dead.
  47. He's reportedly embarrassed.
  48. Reportedly, the average salary of a maternity matron is 9405 yuan per month in Shanghai, much higher than that of a graduate from the class of 2014.
  49. The young man, reportedly from northeast China, had to work 12 hours every day, changing his protective suit three times a day.
  50. The band have reportedly decided to split up.
  51. There was, reportedly, hand-to-hand combat in the streets.
  52. The two were reportedly killed in an exchange of fire during a police raid.
  53. The mine reportedly had an accident rate triple the national average.
  54. "It's like a ghost is writing a song," Dylan has reportedly said.
  55. The minister reportedly stressed that economic and political reforms were two sides of the same coin.
  56. Technical engineers who worked on the plane prior to takeoff are reportedly going to be questioned by the police.
  57. Better yet, how about what one Hunter College professor reportedly did recently for her final exam.