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1. Any animal that has cold blood and skin covered in scales , and that lays eggs. Snakes, crocodiles and tortoises are all reptiles.
2. Any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia including tortoises turtles snakes lizards alligators crocodiles and extinct forms.

Use 'reptile' in a sentence:

  1. The massive prehistoric sea reptile was longer than a humpback whale and had teeth the size of cucumbers, scientists say.
  2. No matter how dry your skin gets, you will never turn into an alligator or any other type of reptile.
  3. Paleontologists have unveiled an extraordinary prehistoric 'flying' reptile kuehneosaurs which lived 235m years ago.
  4. The 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) reptile, called Dibamus dalaiensis, is the first of its kind discovered in the Southeast Asian country.
  5. Some 43 new reptile species were found on New Guinea during the report's ten-year period, including this giant bent-toed gecko.
  6. In fact, most captive iguanas die within the first year, and many are either turned loose by their owners or given to reptile rescue groups.
  7. At nine, his father, a naturalist who had started a reptile park on the Queensland coast, taught him to stalk crocs at night and lug them out of the water.
  8. 20 species of reptiles in 8 families and 2 orders were found.
  9. This small reptile, which measures just 10 centimeters long, can swim through the sand dunes at up to 15 centimeters per second.
  10. Shubin writes: "the conclusion was inescapable: the same gill arch that formed part of the jaw of a reptile formed ear bones in mammals."
  11. Birds, reptiles and insects come from eggs.
  12. but the reptile body can be transformed even more dramatically.
  13. Five new records of amphibians and reptiles in Guangdong Province.
  14. It was the worst choice the reptile could ever have made and it was definitely its last.
  15. The horizon and age of the marine reptiles from Hubei province, China.
  16. I leave the shop with two hats and nothing that was once a reptile.
  17. With rising temperatures, this endangered reptile could produce all male offspring by 2085, guaranteeing its extinction, a new study finds.
  18. A preliminary study on reptiles in southern Yunnan.
  19. Volunteers learn indepth about specific areas of the zoo, like the reptile exhibit orthe Jaguar Jungle.
  20. Snakes and crocodiles are both reptiles.
  21. Other monsters include Gamera, a giant turtle, and the absurd Varan the Unbelievable, a large reptile resembling a flying squirrel.
  22. This is an artist's impression of a flying reptile called Quetzalcoatlus eating a small dinosaur.
  23. If the reptile gets you into its mouth, don't waste time trying to pry its jaws open.
  24. Parthenogenesis is so far known to occur in about 70 reptile species.
  25. Early reptiles were well placed to capitalize on the new environment.
  26. Perhaps no other group of animals has caught mankind's imagination like reptiles.
  27. General network reptiles can not access this data content.
  28. The Chinese alligator is one of the most endangered reptiles in the world.
  29. Functional studies support a growth promoting role for GH in amphibians and reptiles.
  30. All reptiles have to slough their skin to grow.
  31. For today, let's look at a reptile, a predator that hasn't evolved much in the last seventy million years.
  32. The development of biological research in principal freshwater reptiles cultivated in China.
  33. With modification, we might also be able to use the technology against invasive reptiles and birds.
  34. A cluster analysis on the geographical distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Heilongjiang Province.
  35. So you should not be surprised to see someone keep a reptile as a pet.
  36. Themongoose has so far caused the extinction of 12 reptile and amphibianspecies from Puerto Rico, the West Indies and Jamaica.
  37. On the other hand, we conducted cluster analysis on reptile community based on species similarity coefficients.
  38. Caudipteryx has an interesting mix of reptile and bird-like anatomical features.
  39. Taking reptile for example, two types of sex determining mechanisms were discussed;
  40. I mean, crocodiles' brains are the most developed of any reptile.
  41. A Reptile Method with Memory and Alterable Window for Image Boundary Tracing.
  42. Two reptile records new to Hunan Province.
  43. The regulation of sex steroid in reproductive cycle of male reptile.
  44. This is an artist’s impression of a flying reptile called Quetzalcoatlus eating a small dinosaur.
  45. The Marine reptile hunted the oceans with a long thin neck and tail, four large flippers and razor-sharp teeth.
  46. Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile--don't!'
  47. Most of the other fossils come from rhynchosaurs ( parrot-beaked reptiles).
  48. This reptile, with its iconic sail-shaped back, is often mistakenly identified as a dinosaur, and is even included in packages of toy dinosaurs.
  49. They are also among the most popular reptile pets in the United States, despite being quite difficult to care for properly.
  50. the reptile has long been regarded by country people.
  51. They are currently one of the most ancient reptiles still in existence.
  52. Bird evolved from reptiles, so the first bird must have come out of an egg — laid by a reptile.
  53. Baicheng City Amphibious Reptile Resources investigation and Distribution Research.
  54. 30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction.
  55. The reptile's prickly skin repels nearly all of its predators.
  56. 55,000 reptile skins from India, 19,000 big-eye thresher shark fins in Ecuador and 23 metric tonnes of pangolin in Asia have all been seized.
  57. Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land.
  58. The reptile's skin is tough and scaly.