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1. A large or extra supply of something.
2. Lake used to store water for community use.
3. Tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil.
4. Anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies.

reservoirreservoir Image.

Use 'reservoir' in a sentence:

  1. Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land.
  2. Reservoirs can store up rainwater.
  3. Birds are the reservoir hosts of WNV.
  4. Various kinds of fish are being bred in the reservoir.
  5. There's a cold reservoir at some lower temperature.
  6. The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir.
  7. For the last three months, he has risen early to meet the fire truck because the village's only reservoir has dried up.
  8. The air up there is a vast potential reservoir of energy if its intermittency can be overcome.
  9. Water is piped from the reservoir to the city.
  10. The masses have a vast reservoir of enthusiasm.
  11. When a reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere of this hot rock forces its way up through the upper mantle to Earth's surface, creating a broad bulge in the topography.
  12. The benefit which the reservoir brings to the villagers is not limited to agriculture.
  13. A large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir.
  14. The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir.
  15. Without huge investment the reservoirs will silt up.
  16. A groundwater reservoir from which water can be extracted is called an aquifer.
  17. What that means is we want to run the hot reservoir as hot as possible and the cold reservoir as cold as possible.
  18. After a few more climbs, once to the top of the domed reservoir, my fear seemed to evaporate in the warm midnight air—I had simply been out of practice.
  19. Torrents of water gushed into the reservoir.
  20. How much water can this reservoir hold?
  21. This reservoir extends a good five kilometers.
  22. The reservoir provided benefits the same year it was completed.
  23. This reservoir extends a good five kilometres.
  24. The reservoir was filling with water.
  25. Construction of the reservoir has started.
  26. The occurrence of coexisting corrensite and allevardite in the same reservoir sample is firstly found and reported in the world.
  27. This reservoir was formed by damming the River Blith.
  28. More than 20,000 apartments in France are now heated by warm underground water drawn from a heat reservoir in a geologic structure near Paris called the Paris Basin.
  29. There are special buses carrying visitors to the reservoir at the charge of twenty cents each.
  30. The waste water can be fatal if swallowed. Police are investigating what caused the reservoir to break.
  31. We celebrated the construction of the reservoir.
  32. The reservoir will soon be completed.
  33. The reservoir is just on the side of the hill.
  34. Experts have provided some suggestions on how to control the amount of water flowing into this reservoir.
  35. The reservoir rock can be of various lithological compositions.
  36. It was called an offstream storage reservoir by BoR.
  37. The function of a public library was once described as "less a reservoir than a fountain".
  38. The "mantle plume" thus formed, once established, continues to channel hot material from the mantle base until the reservoir is emptied.
  39. Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.
  40. Now we have a reservoir regulating the river flow.
  41. The reservoir is under construction.
  42. The reservoir has in storage about 30 million cubic metres.
  43. A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.
  44. The reservoir was low after the long drought.
  45. Only when a reservoir is built here can we solve our irrigation problem.
  46. Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste instead of building new reservoirs.