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1. Become ground down or deteriorate.
2. Remove soil or rock.

erodeerode Image.

Use 'erode' in a sentence:

  1. These kinds of thought patterns tend to erode self-esteem.
  2. Rising seas threaten to erode the coastline and spoil thegroundwater.
  3. The rain will erode the deeds of his life.
  4. Likewise, the toxins can damage plants and erode walls and monuments.
  5. Study on the water holding capacity of eroded soil and some materials.
  6. Mortgage payments have been eroded by inflation.
  7. By 1980, Miami beach had all but totally eroded.
  8. Without living reefs, these islands could rapidly erode.
  9. Climate change has the potential to erode progress in universal primary education.
  10. The research stations on King George lsland offer a glimpse into the long game on this ice-blanketed continent as nations assert themselves, eroding the sway long held by countries like the United States, Britain. Australia and New Zealand.
  11. The stomach acid from repeated vomiting can severely erode tooth enamel.
  12. America's policy shift will inevitably erode the western liberal axis.
  13. A husband and wife can sense the trust erode, and feel their hearts growing colder.
  14. America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.
  15. The years have eroded the inscription on the stone.
  16. Eroded terrain simulation based on improved hydraulic erosion algorithm.
  17. Chronic pain can systematically erode the quality of life.
  18. His critics say his fumbling of the issue of reform has eroded his authority.
  19. The stream eroded a channel in the solid rock.
  20. These high levels of inequality erode social cohesion in the region.
  21. This will erode their cost advantage, since every transaction involves a fee.
  22. And rivals are likely to continue to erode its share of the market.
  23. In fact, you begin to erode all freedom.
  24. The sea erodes the rock.
  25. However, forcing Banks to recognise losses would erode their capital.
  26. Problems and Measures in Utilizing Eroded Slope Land in Fujian Province.
  27. Once the animals die, the rocky structures erode, depriving fish of vital spawning and feeding grounds.
  28. As borrowers defaulted, the Banks' losses started to erode their own thin layers of capital.
  29. Both "giving conditionally and receiving cautiously" erode relationships.
  30. Research on the Ecological Profit of Restoration in Eroded Red Soil.
  31. Otherwise, inflation will erode the value of your savings.
  32. He says settlement activity is eroding support for the peace process.
  33. These people are therefore 'piggy in the middle', seeing their income eroded through tax changes and rising prices, and consequently, though not struggling to make basic ends meet, experiencing a significant decline in their standard of living.
  34. And that will cause the brand gap between the top VCs and the super-angels gradually to erode.
  35. A business owner or CEO who constantly makes fun of himself will erode confidence in his abilities.
  36. Theory and Practice of Ecological Restoration in Small Watershed of Soil Eroded Area.
  37. The study of image edge detection based on erode algorithm.
  38. The value of the dollar began to erode rapidly just around this time.
  39. Then over many more years, the Phosphorus-rich rocks of the new land begin to erode and the cycle continues.
  40. Anything less will erode the trust that is essential to building a high-performing team.
  41. The coast is slowly eroding.
  42. How does it come about now that the Alps erode at the same speed that they rise?
  43. The sea erodes the land.
  44. Falling prices erode the value of collateral, tightening credit and depressing demand.
  45. Don't let your credibility and people's trust erode by retrofitting rules.
  46. A stringent regulatory environment ought to erode profits.
  47. Usually, price wars wreak havoc because they erode the pricing power of an entire business.
  48. Study on Eroded Environment and Its Soil and Water Loss Characteristics During Expressway Construction.
  49. The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile, since the development of new international trade routes could undermine the monetary base and erode state power.
  50. Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.
  51. Once exposed, soil is quickly eroded by wind and rain.
  52. The ground had eroded.
  53. Her confidence has been slowly eroded by repeated failures.
  54. The rocks have eroded away over time.
  55. This rock has been weathered and eroded.
  56. Their sense of social propriety is eroded.