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1. Done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail.
2. Demanding that particular rules, processes, etc. are strictly followed.
3. Rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard.
4. Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures.

Use 'rigorous' in a sentence:

  1. Rigorous study and numerical analysis of surface relief gratings.
  2. You could always make the tests more rigorous.
  3. You don't need a formal, rigorous exercise plan.
  4. Cardew keeps a rigorous check on her charges.
  5. We have services for each project through rigorous testing to ensure product quality and effectiveness.
  6. Analysis of Diffractive Properties of Grating Lens by Using Rigorous Model Theory.
  7. "At 81, he could only be a figurehead or 'caretaker' director-general," said diplomats, who also point to a rigorous Egyptian campaign against him.
  8. Mathematics is the language used to formulate the laws of physics or economy, and to make rigorous computations that turn into predictions.
  9. They should conduct rigorous background checks and annual reviews of faculty, volunteers and social workers to determine whether they are fit to work with minors.
  10. These are rigorous studies.
  11. Tests for quality and standards for production tend to be less rigorous and controlled.
  12. Recommend that explore the more rigorous scientific methods in the future studies.
  13. " This is a rigorous course," she said.
  14. "Together" went through rigorous vetting.
  15. Rigorous mode method for studying diffraction properties of optical discs.
  16. This theory is very rigorous.
  17. Characteristic plays an important role on whether an enterprise may survive in the rigorous market environment.
  18. Learning how to think critically, do research and improve writing skills, are all preparing for a rigorous high school curriculum.
  19. Rigorous measures will be taken to reduce the total pollutant emission.
  20. This is a scientific conclusion by their rigorous proof.
  21. It's by far the most rigorous analysis.
  22. The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
  23. But the limited space area makes the design and using condition of mobile equipments more rigorous.
  24. Since we must reduce our health-insurance costs, we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weightlifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate.
  25. Anyone who failed to meet their rigorous standards would be fired.
  26. The paper has developed reaction kinetics models for intermittent reaction with rigorous model.
  27. It has brought great opportunities and rigorous challenges to China's real estate industry.
  28. If HSR is to be a success, more rigorous and effective means will be required to separate train operations from MOW activities.
  29. The result is a sort of high-quality, unusually rigorous coffee-table book, designed to be dipped into rather than read from beginning to end.
  30. He is a very rigorous man, very persnickety.
  31. All vitamin supplements would be evaluated in scientifically rigorous clinical trials.
  32. Rigorous research has been scant.
  33. In the rigorous competition, is our commercial bank ready?
  34. Was it a curriculum that appeared more rigorous, perhaps?
  35. It turns out to be a sort of high-quality, unusually rigorous coffee-table book, designed to be dipped into rather than read from beginning to end.
  36. Even in Xiamen Special Economic Zone, the urban poverty is rigorous.
  37. Rigorous reviews of everything are required.
  38. They are designed to be rigorous.
  39. The pufferfish must be prepared a special way, by licensed chefs who undergo rigorous training, to be enjoyed.
  40. Guests without invitations have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
  41. By most measures, corporate governance has become a lot tighter and more rigorous since the 1970s.
  42. The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.
  43. This continued for some weeks, the physicians visiting him on alternate days and treating him for two different disorders2, with constantly enlarging doses of medicine and more and more rigorous nursing.
  44. The rules of WTO are rigorous challenge to Chinese economic statutes.
  45. She sets up a rigorous intellectual framework to deconstruct various categories of film.
  46. They correspond roughly to small municipal, medium-sized metropolitan and major metropolitan airports respectively, and encompass an increasingly rigorous set of regulations.
  47. Some economists believe that rigorous enforcement of existing equal pay laws would substantially decrease this wage inequity.
  48. He handles the work very rigorous, having nice thought and pioneering spirit.
  49. Those who do read my prose appreciate the craft with its emotional weave under a rigorous symbolic framework.
  50. He is a very rigorous man, very pernickety.
  51. The work failed to meet their rigorous standards.
  52. Taxis must conform to the rigorous standards laid down by the police.
  53. He is rigorous in his control of expenditure.