Definition: 1. A series of actions that are always performed in the same way, especially as part of a religious ceremony. 2. Any customary observance or practice. 3. The prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies. 4. Stereotyped behavior.
ritual Image.
Use 'ritual' in a sentence:
1. The ritual of the party conference is acted out in the same way every year.
2. School districts across the country, most recently Los Angeles Unified, are revising their thinking on this educational ritual.
3. The most widely accepted theory, championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual.
4. One of the most important forms is the state political ritual.
5. Set up a bedtime ritual by taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book or listening to soft music.
6. Now many specialists believe that cave paintings were not part of a ritual to bring good luck to hunters.
7. Traditional marriage has evolved from a near-universal ritual to a luxury for the educated and affluent.
8. This is the most ancient, and holiest of the Shinto rituals.
9. My impatience with the customs ritual indicated that Chloe, who I had not known existed a few hours ago, had already acquired the status of a craving.
10. According to Klawans, ritual purification involved separation from those aspects of humanity, death and sex, which are least God-like.
11. The baccalauréat exam season approaches, and with it ritual agonising over the standard of French spelling.
12. Restaurants in many parts of Switzerland are closed too – but a fondue at home with friends is still allowed, although the ritual is becoming more flexible.
13. The leafy, spreading trees were planted on graves and as part of traditional rituals.
14. The people believe that the performance of this ritual is the will of the Great Spirit.
15. Cocktails at the Plaza was a nightly ritual of their sophisticated world.
16. During this time, I have observed a certain ritual take place every so often.
17. You've got to get rid of the ritual impurity, so there'll have to be some ritual procedure that purges the impurity.
18. In No 3 pit, a rich reservoir for bronze ware, archaeologists found two square zun jars, a typical ancient Chinese bronze ritual vessel.
19. It has, for many of us, become a lockdown ritual.
20. They have divested rituals of their original meaning.
21. I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises.
22. The main contents include the source of ritual property, loss and management and protection.
23. According to Klawans and others, ritual impurity arises from physical substances and states which are not in themselves sinful.
24. Many American families make a ritual of praying before meals.
25. Create a ritual around this goal.
26. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, tying cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride's and groom's wrists.
27. The rice business plan competition has its own take on the ritual.
28. Mongolian Ritual Practices in the Study of Local Knowledge.
29. What we see at Westminster is a tired old ritual.
30. Although origin in ritual has long been the most popular, it is by no means the only theory about how the theater came into being.
31. The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.
32. With short winter days – and lockdown – walking and running in the dark has for many of us become a daily ritual.
33. Those who knew the secrets of making iron gained ritual and sometimes political power.
34. Their mating ritual is just so impersonal.
35. A ridiculous diplomatic ritual will play out once again.
36. These ceremonies were already part of pre-Christian ritual in Mexico.
37. This was the monthly ritual.
38. Make a ritual out of it, people will respect you.
39. Create a relaxing bedtime ritual.
40. He pays great attention to rituals and formalities.
41. They were designed to be put in places where these beings could manifest themselves in order to be the recipients of ritual actions.
42. It made sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it, so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or deceased recipient.
43. Many of the tribe's customs and rituals are as old as the hills.
44. According to author Torbj ö rn Lundmark in his Tales of Hi and Bye: Greeting and Parting Rituals Around the World, the problem comes in differing definitions of the handshake.
45. Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome, church time was nature's time.
46. The coffee ritual is incomplete without a delicious pastry or a slice of chocolate cake.
47. They are perhaps more at home in folk songs, in popular tales and the ritual dramas of films.
48. Rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society.
49. She objects to the ritual of organized religion.
50. The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence.
51. Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual.
52. If your ordinary life is out of control, then retreating into a cosy ritual will not improve matters.
53. The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.
54. Why did theater develop, and why was it valued after it ceased to fulfill the function of ritual?
55. It is a familiar, and quintessentially Japanese ritual.
56. Parents clap and shriek with laughter while children look on with bemused grins as the daily ritual is performed.