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1. A garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration.
2. A joint made by notching the ends of two pieces of timber or metal so that they will lock together end-to-end.
3. Masturbate while strangling oneself.
4. Unite by a scarf joint.
5. Wrap in or adorn with a scarf.

Use 'scarf' in a sentence:

  1. How much did the scarf cost Alice?
  2. Every time I see her, she is wearing a different silk scarf.
  3. She angrily slung a scarf around her head, flattening her halo of hair.
  4. The girl wrapped a new scarf around her neck.
  5. My best friend looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like the one you're wearing around your neck.
  6. Keep your scarf on, do your coat up.
  7. I also have a hat, a scarf, and mittens.
  8. Every morning, when she puts on her new scarf, she feels so happy that it seems the whole day is full of hope.
  9. He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck.
  10. Kathy kept that special silk scarf for many years.
  11. Someone has taken my scarf.
  12. Red mittens and a scarf.
  13. When the scarf was taken off, the Star-Child found himself in a dungeon, which was lit by a lantern of horn.
  14. Wear a scarf, neck gaiter, or bandanna around your neck, mouth, and nose.
  15. He strangled her with her own scarf.
  16. You'd better buy her a scarf, she would wave a pair of gloves aside.
  17. I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck.
  18. What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and how gracefully the scarf hangs!
  19. Kathy was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but the granddaughter promised, "Don't worry, Grandma, nothing's going to happen to your scarf."
  20. It was so cold outside that I wrapped a scarf tightly around my face.
  21. Hey, your scarf is slipping off.
  22. For example, if you tie a scarf too tightly, it increases your blood pressure.
  23. Her scarf streamed behind her.
  24. She tied her scarf over her head.
  25. I am going to knit up this scarf tomorrow.
  26. Add a cashmere scarf under your jacket for a touch of glamour.
  27. She adjusted her head scarf fussily.
  28. Greenough wears a blue chequered shirt, red scarf and brown chaps.
  29. She twisted a scarf around her head.
  30. You're examining the scarf, and you see the price tag.
  31. This scarf is 100% wool.
  32. She tied a knot in her scarf.
  33. Add a scarf for a casual effect.
  34. I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.
  35. He unwound his scarf from his neck.
  36. Emma wore a fringed scarf round her neck.
  37. A scarf was wrapped around his neck.
  38. He tied a scarf around his neck.
  39. He had a scarf round his neck.
  40. Then she untied her silk scarf.
  41. She gave the silk scarf to Monica.
  42. I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.