1. A vessel that carries passengers or freight.
2. Go on board.
3. Travel by ship.
Use 'ship' in a sentence:
- 1. They located the ship by radar.
- 2. jump ship.
- 3. The ship sliced the water.
- 4. The company ships its goods all over the world.
- 5. The ship broke up on the rocks.
- 6. The ship hit an uncharted rock.
- 7. The ship was blown onto the rocks.
- 8. There wasn't enough water to float the ship.
- 9. A ship hove into sight.
- 10. The ship was carrying contraband.
- 11. After an hour, the ship turned landward.
- 12. He managed to bribe his way onto the ship.
- 13. board a ship.
- 14. The location of the ship is a closely guarded secret.
- 15. The ship took on more fuel at Freetown.
- 16. The ship was bound for Italy.
- 17. The ship sank in 20 fathoms.
- 18. The ship hit a sandbank.
- 19. A ship's speed is measured in knots.
- 20. We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance.
- 21. The children were shipped off to a boarding school at an early age.
- 22. The ship was completely seaworthy.
- 23. build a ship.
- 24. The ship is berthed at Southampton.
- 25. He brought the ship about.
- 26. The new machines will be shipped next month.
- 27. The torpedo struck home on the hull of the ship.
- 28. The ship had vanished without (a) trace.
- 29. The ship jarred a little.
- 30. We went by ship over to America.
- 31. The company continues to ship more computer systems than its rivals.
- 32. There are two restaurants on board ship.
- 33. The ship has undergone a complete refit.
- 34. What is the exact location of the ship?
- 35. A ship appeared on the horizon.
- 36. The ship was stranded on a sandbank.
- 37. The ship was registered in Panama.
- 38. The ship will be taken out of service within two years.
- 39. The ship rolled from side to side.
- 40. The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.
- 41. The ship was lost at sea.
- 42. The ship spent four days in port.
- 43. The ship steered into port.
- 44. We can fix the ship's exact position at the time the fire broke out.
- 45. The ship was helpless against the power of the storm.
- 46. Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road.
- 47. One day a larger ship anchored offshore.
- 48. The ship was in dock.
- 49. The ship's sail cast a shadow on the water.
- 50. She moved away like a ship in full sail.
- 51. The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival.
- 52. He gave the order to abandon ship.
- 53. The captain gave the order to abandon ship.
- 54. The ship was anchored off shore.
- 55. The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast.
- 56. We watched their ship moving gradually farther away.
- 57. Our ship changed course.
- 58. The ship's route is clearly delineated on the map.
- 59. The ship went down although strenuous efforts were made to save it.