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1. A simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details.
2. Preliminary drawing for later elaboration.
3. A brief literary description.
4. Short descriptive summary (of events).

Use 'sketch' in a sentence:

  1. That is a very thumbnail sketch of the Judeo-Christian story.
  2. The little boy can sketch out a horse quickly.
  3. We sat in Lily's sunroom while I sketched in the situation.
  4. First, let me sketch the other basic view.
  5. Su xiaobai's grandmother's home and Zhou sicong's noon time use pithy and simple sketches.
  6. The drama group did a sketch about a couple buying a new car.
  7. Such ideas help sketch out a plan.
  8. It's a sketch is a way of getting started on defining your characters' personalities.
  9. Why sketch?
  10. You gave a great biographical sketch in the beginning.
  11. Make a rough sketch before you draw.
  12. The artist sketched in a few trees to show a vividness in its surroundings.
  13. That's the roughest possible sketch of what the English Revolution is.
  14. So if we just sketch that.
  15. Her hobbies were playing the guitar and sketching.
  16. The sketch should be a kind of rehearsal for the eventual painting.
  17. Another early sketch of Gongmen City.
  18. Is it like an Etch-A-Sketch?
  19. She sketched out her plan for tackling the problem.
  20. I usually do a few very rough sketches before I start on a painting.
  21. He stood at gaze when I drew the sketch.
  22. How about a sketch in which she insists she won't do another film unless it has prehistoric animals in it?
  23. Let me sketch for you two basic positions on this question.
  24. I had a basic sketch of a plan.
  25. The first published sketch, "A Dinner at Polar Walk" brought tears to Dickens's eyes when he discovered it in the pages of The Monthly Magazine, earned him a modest reputation.
  26. I always sketch with pen and paper.
  27. Later, in his cook books, he would often include a sketch of himself, so that people on the street would be able to recognize—and admire—him.
  28. We all performed action songs, sketches and dances before a captive audience of parents and patrons.
  29. I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan.
  30. Clare and David Astor are sketching a view of far Spanish hills.
  31. The first published sketch, "A dinner at Poplar Walk", brought tears to Dickens's eyes when he discovered it in the pages of The Monthly Magazine.
  32. He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour, before fetching up in Dublin.
  33. So we can sketch that.
  34. It often helps to make a rough sketch showing where the vehicles were.
  35. Keeping this kind of character sketch can help you solidify your character's personality, so that it remains consistent throughout your story.
  36. The sketch emphasizes a theme of fire vs. water.
  37. Here's is a sketch.
  38. He started with sketching and then progressed to painting.
  39. Cross sketched the story briefly, telling the facts just as they had happened.
  40. I just like coming here to sketch people in crisis.
  41. He turned out stories and sketches to exemplify the generalized jottings of his notebook.
  42. Annie took out her drawing pad and pencil to dash off a sketch of the indians.
  43. I made the sketch; he filled in the colours.
  44. Although that's the sketch of where Socrates wants to go, it doesn't quite give us what we want.
  45. He sketched out the general picture of the project first.
  46. You use these people, and the bits of behavior or characteristics as a starting point as you begin to sketch out your characters.
  47. He squiggled a sketch on the ground.
  48. Start by not buying yourself a sketch pad.
  49. Later, in his cook books, he would often include a sketch of himself, so that people on the street would be able to recognize — and admire — him.
  50. One way of doing that is to come up with what's called "a character sketch", I don't mean a sketch like a drawing, I guess that's obvious.
  51. On the plane, it's a good time to sketch.
  52. Pointing at a sketch map, he explained the long-term plan to the visitors.
  53. The sketch was rather amazing.
  54. He sketched the situation in a few vivid words.
  55. A frame can inherit content from a sketch.
  56. She drew a sketch map of the area to show us the way.
  57. This sketch does not conform with the specifications.
  58. She received assistance naming plants, making sketches and referencing the work of others.