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1. The branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures.
2. A room where a doctor or dentist can be consulted.
3. A room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations.
4. A medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body.

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Use 'surgery' in a sentence:

  1. Bruno had to have eye surgery on a torn retina two years ago.
  2. I needed reconstructive surgery to give me a new nose.
  3. Age is not a factor in cataract surgery.
  4. His father has just recovered from heart surgery.
  5. Only 12 weeks ago he underwent major heart transplant surgery.
  6. The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery.
  7. In some cultures surgery is proscribed.
  8. Surgery was scheduled, but life went on as usual.
  9. Mr Clark underwent five hours of emergency surgery.
  10. Many people find the idea of any kind of invasive surgery unbearable.
  11. He had survived heart bypass surgery.
  12. Is there a surgery this evening?
  13. Doctors said surgery could induce a heart attack.
  14. His doctor had told him to prepare himself for surgery.
  15. Once the damage is done, even modern surgery can't undo it entirely.
  16. A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.
  17. This powerful drug is used to tranquilize patients undergoing surgery.
  18. He had plastic surgery to help reconstruct his badly damaged face.
  19. He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.
  20. Exploratory surgery revealed her liver cancer.
  21. He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.
  22. His mother had to go to the hospital for minor surgery.
  23. Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.
  24. Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the US.
  25. Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the U.S.
  26. Despite her recent surgery she has been carrying on regardless.
  27. My mother underwent major surgery last year.
  28. His treatment was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs.
  29. He may need surgery to correct the problem.
  30. She's had laser surgery on her eye.
  31. She made a complete recovery without recourse to surgery.
  32. The primitive surgery of those days left him virtually deaf in one ear.
  33. The department is blazing a trail in the field of laser surgery.
  34. Weir had Lasik surgery about 2 years ago.
  35. Surgery to a balky ankle was required.
  36. It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery.
  37. She even had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose.
  38. Researchers realised that a tunable laser beam might be useful in surgery.
  39. She developed complications after the surgery.
  40. He will require surgery on his left knee.
  41. This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths.
  42. Look, this isn't brain surgery we're doing here.