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1. The sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus.
2. A strong liking.
3. Delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values).
4. Take a sample of.

Use 'taste' in a sentence:

  1. The two cheeses were very different in both taste and texture.
  2. I don't like the taste of olives.
  3. Tastes and preferences vary from individual to individual.
  4. He tends to overstep the boundaries of good taste.
  5. He grimaced at the bitter taste.
  6. She had impeccable taste in clothes.
  7. The room was furnished with taste.
  8. It tastes like chicken, only stronger.
  9. The soup has very little taste.
  10. The wine has a clean taste and a lovely golden colour.
  11. They viewed their new building as an exemplar of taste.
  12. Taste and smell are closely connected.
  13. She could taste the saltiness of her tears.
  14. This was my first taste of live theatre.
  15. His taste in clothes is extremely good.
  16. There was a metallic taste at the back of his throat.
  17. He rejects the idea that his film is in bad taste.
  18. We know that taste in art is a subjective matter.
  19. The cheese has a distinctively sharp taste.
  20. I wanted to rinse the taste out of my mouth.
  21. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  22. Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
  23. The taste is bitter and disagreeably pungent.
  24. This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures.
  25. That gave me a taste for reading.
  26. Modern furniture is a little too severe for my taste.
  27. This coffee has a nasty taste.
  28. Everything here speaks of perfect good taste.
  29. They've got more money than taste.
  30. It tastes something like melon.
  31. She can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste.
  32. The salads taste too vinegary.
  33. My dad's taste in music is from the Stone Age.
  34. Abstract art is an acquired taste.
  35. Modern art is not to everyone's taste.
  36. His music isn't really to my taste.
  37. He has very good taste in music.
  38. That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel.
  39. Most of his jokes were in very poor taste.
  40. That tastes real good.
  41. These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.
  42. This coffee has a smooth, rich taste.
  43. The resort is tuned in to the tastes of young and old alike.
  44. This voyage was his first taste of freedom.
  45. He had tasted freedom only to lose it again.
  46. I've never tasted anything like it.
  47. She thinks he's wonderful ─ oh well, there's no accounting for taste.
  48. The leaves taste rather bitter.
  49. I've lost my sense of taste.
  50. The colour and style is a matter of personal taste.