Home » words » truck example sentences



1. Lorry.
2. An open railway vehicle for carrying goods or animals.
3. An automotive vehicle suitable for hauling.
4. A handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects.

Use 'truck' in a sentence:

  1. The car was completely crushed under the truck.
  2. Men were loading up a truck with timber.
  3. The truck skidded sideways across the road.
  4. They were parked behind the truck.
  5. The sound of the truck receded into the distance.
  6. The driver ran a stop light and broadsided the truck.
  7. The truck sputtered and stopped.
  8. He pulled out to overtake a truck.
  9. I've just loaded my truck up.
  10. There was a thump as the truck hit the bank.
  11. The truck crashed into a parked car.
  12. We in this party will have no truck with illegal organizations.
  13. The truck crashed into the tree and concertinaed.
  14. A truck ran out of control on the hill.
  15. He rammed his truck into the back of the one in front.
  16. He pulled to a stop behind a pickup truck.
  17. The truck bumped its way over the rough terrain.
  18. A truck came belting up behind us.
  19. The truck fishtailed when Bruun hit the brake.
  20. The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground.
  21. A gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a truck.
  22. The truck braked to a halt.
  23. With a mighty heave he lifted the sack onto the truck.
  24. Sacks were being loaded onto the truck.
  25. The truck hit a bump and bounced.
  26. The truck driver was waiting to unload.
  27. He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault.
  28. A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off.
  29. The truck gathered speed.
  30. He raised the bonnet of McKee's truck.
  31. There was a truck behind that was trying to pass me.
  32. She hitched a lift on a truck.
  33. We could feel the vibrations from the trucks passing outside.
  34. The truck came to rest against a tree, its engine racing.
  35. A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help.
  36. The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads.
  37. They hitched a ride in a truck.
  38. A truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus.
  39. A trailer was attached to the rear of the truck.
  40. They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction.
  41. Caution! This truck is reversing.
  42. If all else fails, I could always drive a truck.
  43. The truck crashed into a telegraph pole.
  44. A truck tore past the gates.
  45. Heavy trucks kept thundering past.