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1. The belief that somebody or something is good, sincere, honest, etc. and will not try to harm or trick you.
2. Allow without fear.
3. Certainty based on past experience.

Use 'trust' in a sentence:

  1. I'm not sure I'll ever trust people again.
  2. He knew he could trust her.
  3. It was a big mistake on my part to have trusted her.
  4. She needs to trust more in her own abilities.
  5. Trust is a vital component in any relationship.
  6. Their trust was repaid with fierce loyalty.
  7. It would be sheer madness to trust a man like that.
  8. I trust him only so far.
  9. He couldn't find it in himself to trust anyone again.
  10. Trust you to dream up a crazy idea like this!
  11. He's the one person I can trust.
  12. He destroyed me and my trust in men.
  13. I couldn't trust him anymore.
  14. "I trust you completely," he said.
  15. He set up a trust for his children.
  16. "Ha!" said James. "Think I'd trust you?"
  17. He was appointed to a position of trust.
  18. I know I can trust her in any circumstance.
  19. Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him.
  20. I trusted her not to go back on her word.
  21. There was an atmosphere of mutual trust between them.
  22. Our fees depend on the value of the trust.
  23. She had the implicit trust of her staff.
  24. Her trust in him was unfounded.
  25. You've betrayed their trust.
  26. He could no longer trust his own judgement.
  27. He knew (that) he could trust her.
  28. She was inclined to trust him.
  29. He's the last person I'd trust with a secret.
  30. Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation.
  31. Don't trust what the newspapers say!
  32. Emma, I trust your opinion a great deal.
  33. You can trust me not to tell anyone.
  34. I'd trust her with my life.
  35. Don't trust what you read in the newspapers!
  36. If you're too trusting, other people will take advantage of you.
  37. Trust him to go and mess things up!
  38. I trust him implicitly.
  39. I don't trust my father anymore.
  40. I trust John implicitly.
  41. She betrayed his trust over and over again.
  42. How far can we trust him?
  43. She's always been a deep one, trusting no one.
  44. The peace talks foundered on a basic lack of trust.
  45. It has taken years to earn their trust.
  46. The money will be held in trust until she is 18.
  47. I'm disappointed in you ─ I really thought I could trust you!
  48. She puts a high valuation on trust between colleagues.
  49. I don't really trust him ─ nor his wife, come to that.
  50. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty.
  51. Trust is implicit in the system.
  52. We could probably trust her with the information but it's just not worth the risk.
  53. The basis of a good marriage is trust.