Home » words » Tuesday example sentences



1. The day of the week after Monday and before Wednesday.
2. The third day of the week.
3. The second working day.

Use 'Tuesday' in a sentence:

  1. I'm available next Tuesday if you want to meet then.
  2. The law went into effect Tuesday.
  3. Episodes 1 and 2 of Tales of the City will be shown together on Tuesday.
  4. Tuesday's notable gainer was Sony, which reached a high of 9,070 yen.
  5. Police said the car was stolen some time on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.
  6. They stated they would return the following Tuesday to complete the work on her roof.
  7. On Tuesday, he dropped a jar of mustard that smashed and cut his wrist so badly he needed stitches.
  8. I had to stand in for her on Tuesday when she didn't show up.
  9. I have two interviews in two days and Tracy has her exams on Tuesday and Wednesday.
  10. The group meets on the High Line every Tuesday night from April through October.
  11. I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it's a Wednesday or a Thursday.
  12. The Governor will appear before the committee next Tuesday.
  13. On Tuesday, retail prices in the form of the Consumer Price Index will be released.
  14. You know how we have a staff meeting every Tuesday.
  15. His victory in the first race here on Tuesday was a timely pointer to his chance of remaining unbeaten.
  16. The barman tells me you saw Ann on Tuesday morning. Is that right?
  17. New York holds its primary election on Tuesday.
  18. They'll probably be here Monday and Tuesday.
  19. On Tuesdays and Saturdays the market comes to town.
  20. The meeting has been arranged for Tuesday evening.