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1. Not important.
2. Not important or noteworthy.

Use 'unimportant' in a sentence:

  1. When they had married, six years before, the difference in their ages had seemed unimportant.
  2. Minor damage which may appear unimportant should also be included.
  3. In the game players had to answer questions about unimportant details.
  4. Do you find yourself getting impatient or annoyed with people over unimportant things?
  5. They can turn something unimportant into a major deal.
  6. Then the unimportant things won't trouble you anymore.
  7. That's one of the hypotheses that was proposed, that the brain simply doesn't admit the unimportant information.
  8. Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we can't forget that deep relationships wouldn't even exist if it weren't for casual conversation .
  9. They bickered over [ about] some unimportant thing.
  10. Most people spend a lot of time doing unimportant things.
  11. In the first experiment, they gave people 40 unimportant facts to type into a computer.
  12. A long story can be abridged by leaving out unimportant parts.
  13. Some of the jury wrote it down "important," and some "unimportant."
  14. We are not saying that the environment is unimportant.
  15. Don't quibble about unimportant things with me.
  16. Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.
  17. But in the end that seemed unimportant.
  18. For years, people thought that sleep was unimportant and inactive.
  19. I try to avoid quarrelling with my friend over something unimportant.
  20. The manager will be so busy next month, that he has to cancel a few unimportant meetings.
  21. In the word "unimportant", "un-" is a prefix.
  22. I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant.
  23. You should cut out the unimportant details.
  24. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students' academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing.
  25. In the first experiment, they asked two groups of people to put 40 unimportant facts into a computer.
  26. He doesn't deign to talk to unimportant people like me.
  27. When the internal message is lighthearted and relatively unimportant, humor in a memorandum can distinguish its author as a person with personality and depth.
  28. When he texts Mrs B, the content is unimportant.
  29. This is not to say that local scale is unimportant.
  30. Money seems unimportant when set beside the joys of the family.
  31. The exact mechanics of this are unimportant right now.
  32. The lack of information about other possible factors affecting global climate does not make them unimportant.
  33. It was an unimportant job, and paid very little.
  34. Maybe I am kind of extreme, the process gets unimportant.
  35. Slough off unimportant verbiage.
  36. I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant, easy tasks.
  37. Children experiencing these disorders find it difficult to screen out unimportant information, and focus on everything in the environment rather than attending to a single activity.
  38. To show people how unimportant we are in world history.
  39. The old lady is always fretting over something unimportant.
  40. Money seems unimportant when sets beside the joys of family life.
  41. When I say theory is important, I don't mean practice is unimportant.
  42. I could often hear the teacher's voice in the nest room, remonstration about some unimportant matter.
  43. The thermometer of the reaction system is a unimportant factor.
  44. The unimportant items will rate a 1.
  45. It's a simple term that encapsulates the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate, inconsequential, unimportant and even, dare I say it, disposable or substitutable.
  46. Native Americans recognized that the essence of their lives could not be communicated in English and that events that they thought significant were often deemed unimportant by their interviewers.
  47. They dismissed the problem as unimportant.
  48. Let's not quarrel about such unimportant matters.
  49. Sometimes this fact is obscured because churches get so bogged down by unimportant rules.
  50. This consideration was not unimportant.