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1. An employee who performs manual or industrial labor.

Use 'workman' in a sentence:

  1. The men in the back row wear the workman's clothes of miners, historically the predominant industry in this region.
  2. Workman:“Mr. Brown, I should like to ask for a smallrise in my wages.
  3. And he sat there, gentle and reflective, his great workman hands resting on outspread thighs.
  4. Workmen often lunch at a makeshift barbecue on the sidewalk and a Sunday gathering around the grill is a national institution.
  5. A farmer who had to pay workmen could not produce goods as cheaply.
  6. Last November a workman was devoured when he tried to take a shortcut home.
  7. All the workmen on the scaffold fell as it collapsed, according to authorities.
  8. She's learning to be a dancer(workman).
  9. the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman.
  10. We will speed up the development of the systems of workman's compensation insurance and maternity insurance.
  11. The quality of the workman ship combined with outstanding artistry further contributes to the work's lasting value.
  12. The boss strapped a workman.
  13. Hundreds of flies buzz around us, and the workman keeps swatting them.
  14. The workman had a finger cut off by the machine.
  15. The dispute was touched off by the dismissal of a workman for insubordination.
  16. A workman involved in the "remedial work" on the fountain, said he doubted it would ever be a success.
  17. Workmen are currently completing Lhasa Railway Station, the biggest transport station on the line.
  18. When I watched the workman, I came up with an idea that I would build a car to drive into the garage in celebration of it.
  19. The workman is still busy concreting the road.
  20. The workman is drilling in the wall.
  21. Mr. Hill’s book, “The Step Diet” (Workman, 2004), is ideal if you’re determined to keep weight off.
  22. He hired a workman to repair the fence.
  23. Started working as a loading workman, then began to sell various goods.
  24. Down the block from my home in Washington, workmen are finishing a new house.
  25. He became a good workman, he was industrious, and his wages were increased from time to time.
  26. Tiny splinters fly as the workman planes the wood smooth.
  27. Work as suspended on the housing project because a workman said he saw a ghost.
  28. Workman's compensation insurance will enable workers who have been injured at their jobs to receive compensation and help in paying their treatment bills.
  29. Judge Timothy Workman said yesterday that he accepted that the cultivation was on a small scale and for Waylett's own use.
  30. The workman was disciplined by his company but not dismissed.
  31. Senior District Judge Timothy Workman ordered that he be held until a hearing Thursday.
  32. Wrapping his arms about a Soviet workman.
  33. There was a workman up the ladder.
  34. The workman dumped his box on top of some others and turned back.
  35. Workmen were sweeping the concourse and cleaning up the grass verges as welders attached what looked like a television gantry to the roof.
  36. Workman still thinks credit scores alone play too big a role.
  37. A bad workman finds fault with his tools.
  38. Thee workman was disciplined by his company but not dismissed.
  39. The clumsy workman put his elbow through the window and broke it.
  40. With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline, the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman.