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1. Although.

Use 'albeit' in a sentence:

  1. Chris went with her, albeit reluctantly.
  2. The final word should go to an American, albeit one who works for a Chinese firm.
  3. Darfur may also have benefited from the elections, albeit obliquely.
  4. Today, albeit on a larger more global scale, branding continues to provide those same benefits.
  5. A variety of other crops, including oranges and tomatoes destined to become processed foods, are also picked mechanically, albeit to a slightly lesser extent.
  6. The cure for the disease is effective, albeit expensive.
  7. North Korea will change, albeit in a very slow fashion, he said.
  8. Figure 2 is the same page, albeit with much larger type.
  9. They have had regular, albeit brief, video links with their families.
  10. This is a rational arrangement, albeit with inherent institutional defects.
  11. Albeit gave the cow grass and water every day.
  12. It continues to edge up , albeit a slowing pace.
  13. There was a very large gap to be filled, albeit for a very small place.
  14. However, that is only one possible, albeit common, strategy for naming categories.
  15. It remains an unpredictable and risky place to put your money, albeit one with huge potential.
  16. These are very ambitious goals, albeit very worthwhile ones.
  17. Since then, the two leaders have suffered drops in their popularity – albeit for different reasons.
  18. He is determined to make his mark, albeit a dark one.
  19. But voluntary offsets are growing rapidly, albeit from a low base.
  20. Albeit fictional, she seemed to have resolved the problem.
  21. Europe's railways have also shown marked, albeit smaller, productivity improvements.
  22. Mr Thompson adds that interest rates and inflation are low, albeit rising.
  23. Albeit he has failed twice, he is not discouraged.
  24. Albeit fair, the girl was not sought after.
  25. For Nato to be staging manoeuvres, albeit modest ones, in Georgia sends several messages at once.
  26. His works, albeit in French translation, were widely read.
  27. Since then, he says the reconstruction process has moved forward – albeit slightly behind schedule.
  28. The most obvious is the vertiginous pattern of WuXi's financial performance, albeit from a low base.
  29. It can also be found as a pet, albeit an illegal one.
  30. They strongly suggest that the neutrino has mass, albeit an infinitesimal amount.
  31. Is this then some kind of intelligence, albeit of a different kind?
  32. In Freudian theory, the imprints are memories, albeit unconscious ones.
  33. But that philosophy, albeit watered-down, has had a wider influence.
  34. This is forecast to continue, albeit at a lower rate.
  35. CVS uses a similar design, albeit with a lot more capabilities.
  36. So there I am running back albeit not far to my corpse.
  37. The snippet should look familiar, albeit with small differences.
  38. He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.
  39. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
  40. The goal is the same for all the practitioners, albeit the various forms and methods.
  41. The Sahara is a highly diverse, albeit dry, region that has undergone major climatic changes since 10,000 B.C.
  42. It was a small albeit important mistake.
  43. China slowdown would bring some benefits for Asia, albeit small ones.
  44. So perhaps the Kerviel trial is after all albeit very embarrassing for the large French bank.
  45. The American economy continues to grow, albeit slowly.
  46. Charles's letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form.
  47. Big Western companies have also started to reach out to Muslim consumers, albeit slowly.
  48. The UI pattern is just one part of both frameworks, albeit an important one.
  49. Other sectors are also suffering, albeit for different reasons.
  50. He even holds elections, albeit rigged ones.
  51. He was born a commoner, albeit into a wealthy Transylvanian family.
  52. Albeit difficult, the job is getting done.
  53. You are to be given one method of communication with your rival, albeit indirect communication.
  54. Albeit fair, she was not sought after.
  55. Journalism is a form of art, albeit closer to craft than art.
  56. That's meditation in a nutshell, albeit a one minute taste of it.
  57. He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us.
  58. More sophisticated screening technologies are emerging, albeit slowly.
  59. This too is imperfect, as the rankings do change, albeit slowly.
  60. Corporate reforms were introduced, albeit slowly and imperfectly.
  61. He is a normal man, albeit one who is incredibly hard working.
  62. Parliament has adopted a budget for 2007, albeit more than six months into the year.
  63. Still, even a nonpsionic being can feel the pain of a psionic attack mode albeit blunted.
  64. He did so, albeit if the final one was not the final.
  65. Employment seems still to be rising, albeit at a slower rate.
  66. But she was already developing her public voice – albeit secretly.
  67. Additionally, there's a sort of multiplayer component to the game, albeit a mostly observatory one.
  68. The west is, albeit unwillingly, getting used to these realities.
  69. Yet, it's now winter in Brazil, albeit mild.
  70. Olive oil, wheat germ oil, and rice bran oil also naturally contain squalene, albeit in smaller amounts.
  71. So is the European Central Bank, albeit with slightly less visibility.
  72. He performed the task well,( al) though/ albeit slowly.
  73. Last month it threw out the amendment, albeit on technical grounds.
  74. Since 1997, Asia has prospered, albeit on the back of US demand.
  75. The banking system has been rescued, albeit at heavy taxpayer cost.
  76. She was a political giant, albeit within a declining nation.
  77. Josh Howard seems like a nice kid albeit a fairly quiet reclusive one with the media.
  78. But he is a pragmatist, albeit a principled one.
  79. Meanwhile, the CEO has another albeit modest , plan to help mollify employees.