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1. Suitable or appropriate in the circumstances.
2. Mentally quick and resourceful.
3. Naturally disposed toward.
4. Being of striking appropriateness and pertinence.

Use 'apt' in a sentence:

  1. The words of this report are as apt today as in 1929.
  2. But it was also an apt finale to a deflating epoch.
  3. The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches.
  4. The door is apt to be closed.
  5. "They are apt to be deceived," Miss Tonks answered, with icy sententiousness.
  6. Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths.
  7. Chicago's suburbs are apt to swing.
  8. It's an apt description of sin's effect on us.
  9. Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays.
  10. This seems apt: integrated circuits have become the grease of the information economy.
  11. He's apt to fall for flattery.
  12. This kind of apple is apt to go bad.
  13. Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.
  14. The remark was most apt.
  15. The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington's apron strings.
  16. We are apt to wish for what we can't have.
  17. Albert is an apt scholar.
  18. Consequently angularities are apt to occur both below and above unconformities.
  19. Jack is apt to be impulsive.
  20. It's apt to rain that afternoon.
  21. The people there are apt to cheat strangers; they're particularly rough on nonnatives.
  22. I think this term is apt.
  23. She was apt to raise her voice and wave her hands about.
  24. But an equally apt name would be the "Great Stabilisation".
  25. Study on Localization Method Suitable to APT System of Space Laser Communication.
  26. Buyers are apt to offer a low price.
  27. This type of weather is apt to be more common in winter.
  28. That doesn't seem to be an apt translation.
  29. He is the most apt of all pupils.
  30. He is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant.
  31. Paper is apt to catch fire.
  32. The target orientation that administers theory is be apt to is treated.
  33. She is apt at languages.
  34. People are apt to confuse the two issues.
  35. If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyer's cases.
  36. Modeste also believes that firms will be less apt this year.
  37. 适用于激光通信APT系统定位方法研究
  38. If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to call her by her first name.
  39. Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar.
  40. That is an apt description of the global investment environment up until Bear Stearns 2008.
  41. 'Urchin', with its connotation of mischievousness, may not be a particularly apt word. urchin.
  42. He is apt to get excited over trifles.
  43. Design of APT System in Space Optical Communication Based on ARM Processor.
  44. 'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment.
  45. She had taught him French and he had been an apt student.
  46. Children playing in the street are apt to meet with accident.
  47. The term search "engine" is apt.
  48. China cups are apt to break.
  49. It was an apt comment.
  50. As he and other researchers examined the question of why teens were more apt to take risks in the company of other teenagers, they came to suspect that a crowd ‘ s influence need not always be negative.
  51. He is an apt pupil.
  52. Then I don't know who is apt.
  53. A naive person is apt to be cheated by others.
  54. 基于ARM的空间光通信APT控制系统设计
  55. 'Then I don't know who is apt.
  56. It seemed apt, given the A340's commercial fate.
  57. Is this not an apt description of those who do not have a scientific attitude?
  58. It's an interesting comparison, and a surprisingly apt one.
  59. Without reasoning, one is apt to be beyond control.
  60. In many ways, the comparison is apt.
  61. Redundant slogans are apt to petrify a man's thinking.
  62. Iron is apt to rust.
  63. He is apt at mathematics.
  64. When foreign executives speak of their American counterparts, they are apt to be more scornful than awestruck.