Definition: 1. A number of people or things that are dealt with as a group. 2. An amount of food, medicine, etc. produced at one time. 3. A set of jobs that are processed together on a computer.
Use 'batch' in a sentence:
1. The prisoners were led out in batches and shot.
2. As soon as this batch of goods passed through his hands, he made a1000-yuan profit.
3. His department has introduced a new batch of scientific instruments.
4. In this case, however, my priority was not the batch interface.
5. He has written a batch of very samey tunes.
6. The cold-bed batch type steam dyeing process for woolen yarn by reactive dyes is described in this book.
7. She brought a large batch of newspaper cuttings.
8. I still owe for my last batch of books.
9. The amount of K_2O in the batch composition has an effect on the segregation of humite in the melt.
10. What is batch processing?
11. A new batch of young women members of the so-called Millennial generation has been entering the workforce for the past decade.
12. Rerun the batch file.
13. It's not like you can just order up another batch quickly from China when you sense the market turning.
14. We're still waiting for the first batch to arrive.
15. The first batch of wheat is growing promisingly!
16. It's cheaper to buy these things in batches than in pieces.
17. A new batch of young women — members of the so-called Millennial generation — has been entering the workforce for the past decade.
18. The delegation set out in different batches.
19. Evaporating before rolling up for batch curing and limiting processing time to 4 hours with Procion MX dyes, clear, crisper lines are maintained.
20. Do not do things twice in a batch run.
21. Lijiang Ancient Town, also known as Dayan Township, is one of the second batch of the approved historical and cultural famous cities.
22. Batch1 tasking is the simple process of combining similar tasks into batches2 and then performing all the tasks in a batch in one sitting.
23. Create a profile for each batch of forms.
24. Last October the first batch of low-alloy channel steel was successfully rolled.
25. This batch of products is well made.
26. They were led out in batches and shot.
27. I have a batch of letters to answer.
28. I baked a batch of cookies.
29. This batch of herbal medicine has been adulterated.
30. Normally, I see this situation in batch or static packages.
31. Grains can be simply thrown in with a batch of milk for ripening to begin.
32. The first batch of items to be banned include products such as disposable plastic bags, packaging bags, meal boxes, bowls, drink cups and straws made from non-biodegradable polymers.
33. I guess the whole batch is running under 15 seconds.
34. What is meant by 'batch processing'?
35. It even supports batch search.
36. This is the largest batch of job eliminations in British banking industry.
37. Batch Process: Do all your similar tasks together.
38. Listing 3 provides the batch session.
39. So, mix your own batch.
40. The next batch will surely be better.
41. Do you batch requests?
42. The first batch of cakes was burnt.
43. Here comes a fresh batch of visitors.
44. This batch of materials has been collected bit by bit.
45. October produced yet a further batch.
46. The brick works that bought this batch of equipment is located near the railway station.
47. In each packet there are batches of letters, most of which are undated.
48. The immediate batch will require deodorization to char the protein material to facilitate removal in bleaching.
49. We deliver the goods in batches.
50. The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents.
51. A batch of rolled steel was allocated to us.
52. The second batch of bread came out underdone.
53. Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work.
54. She brought a large batch of newspaper clippings.
55. I figured out a precise schedule and learned how to tell the mixer to skip a batch when the production line stopped.