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1. The properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles.

Use 'sexuality' in a sentence:

  1. The existence of Human being is exactly the existence of sexuality.
  2. Different sexuality, residence time and previous thermal state also have an effect on human thermal comfort.
  3. It's basically to dissemble the idea that nudity equates to pornography and nudity equates to sexuality.
  4. Academic programs related to sex, sexuality and sexual orientation are sprouting on American Campuses.
  5. The social environment has the influence on sexuality differences;
  6. She oozes sexuality from every pore.
  7. The concepts on Sexuality versus sex and gender were also explored.
  8. Study on teenage pregnancy and the status of adolescent sexuality education.
  9. It is association with death and sexuality that renders one impure and disqualifies one from entering the holy sanctuary.
  10. In everyday life, this attention to detail could help them work out people's sexuality.
  11. Little girls epitomise a patriarchal society's ideal of compliant, docile sexuality.
  12. Prostate Diseases, Sexuality and Prostate Cancer: a Case-control Study.
  13. I took part in a study on human sexuality.
  14. Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.
  15. The difference in evaluations is the direct reason of sexuality differences.
  16. The sexuality of commodity housing embodies with basic factors, process of composing, ways of transmission.
  17. A Survey of the Study of the Middle School Students' Sexuality Differences in Mathematics Ability.
  18. our evolved sexuality is in direct conflict with many aspects of the modern world.
  19. Melanie Griffith seems to smoulder with sexuality.
  20. The real differences that exist lie in the way sexuality is expressed.
  21. Necessary acknowledging and tolerance should be the basic attitude of modern law on sexuality.
  22. Despite her tiny body, she had a certain sexuality, flirting outrageously with my brother, David.
  23. Analyze the Healthy Sexuality of the Old People.
  24. I think it would be great if one day our culture could get that way about sexuality for women.
  25. In Britain, the growing discussion of women's sexuality raised its own disquiet.
  26. Others embark on a search for sacred sexuality after years of meditation in some Eastern tradition.
  27. Analysis of chromosome for the identification of young panda sexuality.
  28. He couldn't come to terms with his sexuality.
  29. Tantra transports your sexuality from the plane of doing to the place of being.
  30. Sexuality Education Reference Library [ Family Planning Association of Hong Kong]
  31. All true love is a peak which sexuality cannot dwarf.
  32. Some says it's unacceptable to see a baby performs as male involves in ads. hinted sexuality.
  33. The hybridization method of asexuality combined with sexuality was used to overcome the infertility after hybridization.
  34. The Study of Sexuality Science Curriculum in the University.
  35. Gastrosexuality is a neologism derived1 from gastronomy2 and sexuality.
  36. Human sexuality is different from animals.
  37. Some religious leaders have also spoken out against fourth sexuality.
  38. Her overt sexuality shocked cinema audiences.
  39. Also, don't take the fact that I've beena dude as an invitation to question my sexuality.
  40. So it's a very interesting aspect of human sexuality.
  41. It's a question of expressing feelings that'll touch the soul and heart and the emotions, sexuality of the audience.
  42. Women had greater accuracy with 65 per cent able to identify someone's sexuality at a glance, while men were correct 57 per cent of the time.
  43. Marriage is based on production, which regulates human sexuality.
  44. Sexuality has been used to spark the library card.
  45. Sure, we cannot express our sexuality with everyone.
  46. Subjective Construction: Methodological revolution in sexuality research and potential development in Chinese context.
  47. Did you question your sexuality when you were the show or a consequence of the show?
  48. Spirituality and sexuality are not seperate.
  49. He's completed his doctorate on Victorian sexuality.
  50. that are based upon this false vision of human sexuality.
  51. When we probe into the possible causes for their disillusionments, their gender awareness and its consequent sexuality are the first to be examined.
  52. He believes he has been discriminated against because of his sexuality.
  53. He was confused about his sexuality.
  54. It means that one cannot enter the holy sanctuary, God's realm, when impure through contact with death or sexuality.
  55. These latest findings support the thesis that sexuality is determined by nature rather than choice.