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1. Massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws.
2. Put up with something or somebody unpleasant.
3. Contain or hold; have within.

Use 'bear' in a sentence:

  1. He can't bear being laughed at.
  2. 'Bear' and 'bare' are homophonous.
  3. The teddy bear was his favourite plaything.
  4. She was savaged to death by a bear.
  5. He could not bear to be seen to act dishonourably.
  6. He's borne me a grudge ever since that day.
  7. I bear him no grudge.
  8. These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community.
  9. Is the bear market in equities over?
  10. Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.
  11. I couldn't bear the mournful look on her face.
  12. 'I can't bear it,' he said in a choked voice.
  13. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him.
  14. I bear Sue no ill will.
  15. If you will bear with me a little longer, I'll answer your question.
  16. He didn't bear anyone any ill will.
  17. He brought down the bear with a single shot.
  18. I'm terribly squeamish. I can't bear gory films.
  19. When you get to the fork in the road, bear right.
  20. She was not able to bear children.
  21. They found out nothing more save that she had borne a child.
  22. He had been mauled by a bear.
  23. I can't bear having cats in the house.
  24. She's under a lot of strain. Just bear with her.
  25. Bruce graduated to chef at the Bear Hotel.
  26. He can't bear to be laughed at.
  27. We all have our crosses to bear.
  28. I couldn't bear the suspense a moment longer.
  29. Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable.
  30. Recent events had no bearing on our decision.
  31. The other witnesses will bear me out.
  32. There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.
  33. The ice is too thin to bear your weight.
  34. Oh yeah? I wasn't born yesterday, you know.
  35. She was born into a very musical family.
  36. Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature.
  37. Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born.
  38. I was out of circulation for months after the baby was born.
  39. You people without kids don't know you're born.
  40. She was born with a weak heart.
  41. The book doesn't say where he was born.
  42. Consumers will have to bear the full cost of these pay increases.
  43. We must bring all our energies to bear upon the task.
  44. We followed the bear's tracks in the snow.
  45. Her later work does not bear comparison with her earlier novels.
  46. He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure.
  47. The other witnesses will bear out what I say.
  48. The little boy cuddled the teddy bear close.
  49. He could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt skin.
  50. Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.
  51. Regular exercise has a direct bearing on fitness and health.
  52. The title of the essay bore little relation to the contents.
  53. This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation.
  54. The drill is strong enough to bore through solid rock.
  55. How can you bear to eat that stuff?
  56. The movie bears little resemblance to the original novel.
  57. The pain was almost more than he could bear.