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1. Take the first step or steps in carrying out an action.
2. Set in motion, cause to start.
3. Get off the ground.

Use 'commence' in a sentence:

  1. Commence with a treadmill until you feel comfortable with a saucy walk in the park, and then finally, graduate onto the track.
  2. The word commences with a vowel.
  3. He commenced on a technical innovation two years ago but has made no progress so far.
  4. The second term commenced in march.
  5. I commence a round of visit.
  6. Many important businessmen commenced as factory workers.
  7. The newspaper had commenced as a duplicated broadsheet.
  8. The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.
  9. He and his fellow researchers are currently seeking funding to commence this introductory research.
  10. He commenced on a piece of work.
  11. When you're ready to commence the recording process, the start method is called.
  12. This means that the whole of the file does not have to be read into memory before processing of the file can commence.
  13. He took his knife and fork, and was going to commence eating, when the inclination appeared to become suddenly extinct.
  14. He has commenced on a new book.
  15. China's southernmost province of Hainan has commenced operations of the world's first island-looping high-speed train line.
  16. Wicher's return will commence with the upcoming European tour.
  17. She commenced her life as an actress in the1930s.
  18. My son requested that homeschooling commence immediately. no break for summer.
  19. These commence and criticism are inevitable and not at all surprizing.
  20. They'll commence building next week.
  21. A message flow would then read that message and commence the required processing.
  22. Should we commence the attack?
  23. Only one percent (1%) of travelers commence their search for a vacation destination by visiting a blog.
  24. If everyone has arrived, we may now commence the meeting.
  25. By June 30, both armies were converging upon Gettysburg and the battle, which would be the turning point of the war, was set to commence.
  26. Further negotiations on services will commence in 2012.
  27. The young girl took the cheese and commenced to eat.
  28. I will be on leave during the week commencing 15 February.
  29. To date, the first group of prosecutions is set to commence on December 3, 2009.
  30. Training will commence on 5 October, running from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive.
  31. Namespaces allow projects to commence while still enabling later modifications and enhancements.
  32. She commences to unburden herself of her belongings, which she has been carrying in the sleeves of her kimono.
  33. They will each need to call a common setup routine just to get Firefox running before they can commence their own particular test.
  34. Once a lung cancer has been appropriately staged, primary and adjuvant therapeutic planning can commence.
  35. Tom and his companions commence on their third bottle in an hour.
  36. We have commenced the sale of local products abroad.
  37. The rain commenced pouring violently down.
  38. We will commence with this work.
  39. I have the pleasure to inform you that the Adelaide arrived here safely yesterday, just in time to get them discharged before holidays commence.
  40. You should commence with this book.
  41. Review the summary of the installation and click install to commence the installation.
  42. We are working within the law and we will commence work only when all environmental clearances have been granted.
  43. I shall forthwith commence the duties of the high trust to which you have called me.
  44. Work at the original Brazilian PAR sites will commence in 2008 and conclude approximately five years later.
  45. The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.
  46. The academic year commences at the beginning of October.
  47. The day commenced with a welcome from the principal.
  48. They commenced a systematic search.
  49. Joan was very much against commencing drug treatment.
  50. We commence building next week.
  51. She commenced her medical career in 1956.
  52. The dentist commenced to dig, drill and finally fill the offending tooth.