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1. Notice something or realize that it is happening.
2. With awareness.

Use 'consciously' in a sentence:

  1. I did this consciously.
  2. Study on health education promoting students to protect consciously from schistosomiasis.
  3. The expression was hurled in March 2014 by actress Gwyneth Paltrow and singer Chris Martin, who announced the breakup of their marriage online by saying that they intended to 'consciously uncouple'.
  4. In the whole process of learning English, only few of them pay attention to listening consciously.
  5. People often employ irony in communication consciously or unconsciously.
  6. He consciously worked on his project every day.
  7. However, it should be kept in mind that many societies that knew of agriculture more or less consciously avoided it.
  8. I didn't realize it at the moment, at least not consciously.
  9. Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour.
  10. Under this point, the relationship between economic construction and the population and birth control must be consciously balanced.
  11. The scientists were consciously studying the effect of pollution on the environment.
  12. She was consciously aware of her surroundings.
  13. No one believes a beaver consciously weighs the pros and cons of each of these elements.
  14. Poetic writing in the 1990s came into a stage of consciously constructing poetic art.
  15. Part of me was very frightened and I consciously had to get a grip on myself.
  16. Co-bribery means two people accept bribes together consciously.
  17. For   this   courier   job , you're   consciously   aware   that   in   that   box   you've   got   something   that   is   potentially   going   to   save   somebody's   life.
  18. These ideas are not learnt consciously.
  19. The government is consciously promoting the use of renewable energy.
  20. This can indicate a number of things and can also be used to consciously send messages about intent.
  21. Gut feelings can occur without a person being consciously aware of them.
  22. The teacher asked the students to be consciously listening during the lesson.
  23. "Many policy measures to control obesityassume that people consciously and rationally choose what and how much they eat and therefore focus on providing information and more access to healthier foods," note the two researchers.
  24. Everybody consciously attends to things and everything is attended to.
  25. Consume information consciously.
  26. By consciously choosing what kind of statement to make, this statement becomes more than just communication to others. It is a statement to oneself, encouraging a person to act the part.
  27. I didn't consciously avoid the subject.
  28. A more effective technique is "reframing", which means consciously reinterpreting a situation in a more positive light.
  29. Jackson consciously aimed at doing that.
  30. Or resistance movements after the new site has consciously restoration of the past;
  31. In literature, Greek writers were consciously used as models by their Latin successors.
  32. People pay attention to practical At the same time, Consciously started further landscaping pottery.
  33. In Chinese minority scientific history research, anthropological methods are adopted consciously or unconsciously.
  34. If this is true, it would mean that Upper Paleolithic people were capable of complex thought and were consciously aware of their environment.
  35. Overall, they consume fewer calories without consciously restricting their intake.
  36. This requires that we consciously inherit the pulse of Chinese culture and carry forward the fine traditional culture.
  37. We base them, consciously or unconsciously, on real people, or we blend several people's traits, their attributes into one character.
  38. But at least make that decision consciously.
  39. It refers to consciously take risk consequences, positively or negatively.
  40. The mother was consciously breastfeeding her baby.
  41. Can we all not systematically and consciously get infected?
  42. It requires learners engage in and manage their own learning activities actively and consciously.
  43. Or in the community needs to consciously build.
  44. However, in the teaching practice, the kindergarten teachers rarely focus on their teaching behaviors consciously.
  45. Most people cannot consciously remember much before the ages of 3 to 5 years.
  46. The editor consciously edited the article for grammar and spelling.
  47. Not consciously, but choose they do.
  48. Yeats takes on self-consciously staged identities, requiring costumes, and he sees other people in similarly theatrical and mythic terms.
  49. The people enjoy massive services provided by ecosystems consciously or unconsciously.
  50. I consciously decided to go to the store.
  51. A previous study noted that dolphins always consciously control their breathing.
  52. He is consciously trying to overcome his weakness.
  53. Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died.
  54. The distinction between pheromones and odorants—chemicals that are consciously detected as odors—can be blurry, and some researchers classify pheromones as a type of odorant.
  55. Exceptional companies approach these tradeoffs with two simple rules in mind, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.
  56. He claims that the writer never consciously formulated his own theoretical position.
  57. We're not trying to assign blame or criticize anyone or call anyone consciously sexist.
  58. In addition, Teotihuacán's elite may have consciously attempted to attract new inhabitants.
  59. For the most part, however, we breathe in the aromas which surround us without being consciously aware of their importance to us.
  60. Consciously or unconsciously, you made a choice.
  61. She was self-consciously aware of his stare.