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1. Resist or confront with resistance.
2. Elude, especially in a baffling way.
3. Challenge.

Use 'defy' in a sentence:

  1. The occasion defies description.
  2. We may be facing a hydra that defies any easy solution.
  3. Working outside the system to defy it may also fail.
  4. Nearly eleven-thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.
  5. The firm will continue to lobby lawmakers to pass laws penalising countries that defy American court judgments.
  6. The London market looks likely to defy gravity for a while longer.
  7. Just like you did in 2008, you can defy the conventional wisdom.
  8. The singer continues to defy her age by wearing the scantiest of outfits.
  9. There are many scientific observations that simply defy explanation.
  10. Those who openly defy the law have been severely punished.
  11. I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.
  12. I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.
  13. In the mobile world we have devices that require us to defy those practices.
  14. I defy you to do it.
  15. Its processes (such as they are) defy automation.
  16. This was the first ( and last) time that I dared to defy my mother.
  17. Her criteria defy analysis.
  18. The beauty of the scenery along the Lijiang River defies description.
  19. Jack was not afraid of the strong man, he defied him.
  20. The case defies diagnosis.
  21. This is the only organ in the body which seems to defy the aging process.
  22. We had to defy them whatever the cost.
  23. G Defy the park ranger.
  24. This was the first (and last) time that I dared to defy my mother.
  25. They may yet defy cynics and become a successful model for single-payer care.
  26. He comes out to defy Israel.
  27. A measure of GM’s desperation is that these options defy industrial logic.
  28. The ambassadors will not defy her wishes if she demands that sanctions remain.
  29. It is a way to defy our obscurity.
  30. Movie magic can defy reality, but actors are inescapably human.
  31. In Lucknow crowds of people defied the curfew to celebrate on the streets.
  32. He won't allow anyone to defy his managerial authority.
  33. Those few who defy the conventional wisdom are ignored.
  34. Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; headbowed, like a willing ox I serve the children.
  35. They believe it is essential to defy convention.
  36. I promised myself I'd defy all the prophets of doom and battle back to fitness.
  37. Criminals defy the law.
  38. I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current president.
  39. Despite her wish to defy convention, she had become pregnant and married at 21.
  40. Being exposed to women who defy the stereotype helps.
  41. Such relationships may defy traditional labels.
  42. When the flowers open in spring they fill the night air with a fragrance that defies description.
  43. After that, life became a matter of defying school rules.
  44. "The first time I go, they always defy you," she said.
  45. Hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings.
  46. The roads here are quite a maze, criss-crossing one another in a fashion that at times defies logic.
  47. We were in a disaster situation that defies description.
  48. And I defy you to hurt him when I am by, and I defy you to frighten me!
  49. He looked at me as if he was defying me to argue.
  50. I defy anyone not to cry at the end of the film.
  51. He defied Pope John Paul II by consecrating four bishops without his approval.
  52. There can be a magic about love that defies all explanation.
  53. The codes are so obscure and so flexible that they defy rational explanation.
  54. The baby boy defied all the odds and survived.
  55. It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension.